Tuesday Tales – Reading Envy On The Train

Tuesday Tales

The train into NYC for SheStreams was early in the morning on Friday. I was tired, but the time to read a book was huge. The excitement of things to come and getting quiet time to read kept me awake I brought a book with me and sat plowing through pages.


I read a lot during the two and a half hours to the conference. Then, the activities of the weekend drained me. Coming home, I read a bit more, but before I knew it I could not keep my eyes focused on the words in front of me. It was nothing to do with the book and all to do with a weekend of little sleep. I dozed for a shot time and then pulled my computer out to get a little blogging done.

Now that I am back and getting energized, I can not wait to finish reading Envy, the first book in Gregg Olsen’s Empty Coffin Series. There are so many topics within the book that will be great to discuss thanks to cyber bullying being a part of the novel. Here is a teaser with the book trailer from Sterling Publishing:


More about the book:

Murder is such a dirty word…
New York Times bestselling adult true crime author Gregg Olsen makes his YA debut with EMPTY COFFIN, a gripping new fiction series for teens based on ripped-from-the-headlines stories…with a paranormal touch.
Crime lives–and dies–in the deceptively picture-perfect town of Port Gamble (aka “Empty Coffin”), Washington. Evil lurks and strange things happen–and 15-year-olds Hayley and Taylor Ryan secretly use their wits and their telepathic “twin-sense” to uncover the truth about the town’s victims and culprits.

Envy, the series debut, involves the mysterious death of the twins’ old friend, Katelyn. Was it murder? Suicide? An accident? Hayley and Taylor are determined to find out–and as they investigate, they stumble upon a dark truth that is far more disturbing than they ever could have imagined.

Based on the shocking true crime about cyber-bullying, Envy will take you to the edge–and push you right over.

On that note, I am off to find some time to catch back up and finish this book which has me on the edge of my seat. The frightening truth about online anonymity is exposed right from the start of this series.

Of course, since this is Tuesday Tales, I must ask the usual question. What have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your Book Posts, and/or leave a comment below. Include something you read on your own, with a child or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.

It's Me

Disclosure: I received this book complimentary of Sterling Publishing in order to facilitate a review. No other compensation was given. The opinions expressed are my own.

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