Fun nearly ruined

A week ago at this time we were on the road to Six Flags. JSL was staying with my parents for the day and we had a special day set for NHL. Our things were ready to go, our prepaid tickets printed and everyone was excited for a fabulous day at the park.

When we arrived at our destination we opted to drive past the park and head to lunch. We quickly found a cute little pizza place and went there. After lunch we got back into our car and went to the parking area of the park. As I was loading things up to go inside the park I looked at JL and asked where my purse was.

Ever have one of those moments where your heart skips a beat and you can not breathe?  This was my moment.

My purse was not there. I then recalled putting it on the seat next to me at the pizza place. I am not used to having a purse, especially a small one and just forgot it. I quickly went to an attendant in the parking lot. He told us to go to the gate and ask for our parking pass back since we had a prepaid. JL hopped out of the car and went to the gate where we had paid. They quickly gave it back to us.

As we drove a short distance it seemed like forever to me. I had to literally remind myself to breathe. My heart was ready to leap out of my throat. Everything was in that purse – cash, credit cards, gift cards, drivers license . . . the works! The tickets for the park were safely in the backpack in the car with us.

When we finally arrived back at the restaurant JL ran in. People were sititng at the table where we had been. They saw how anxious JL was and asked if he was looking for a purse. Sure enough when they sat down they saw it and gave it to the people of the restaurant. Everything was still inside – thank goodness there still are honest people.

When we drove back to the park my heart was slowly settling back down. We were lucky enough to be able to go right back to the parking spot we had left (right next to the bridge to the park) and went in.

After a few rides and watching NHL’s smiling face I was able to put the scare behind me. Thank goodness our day was not ruined by my stupidity!

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While visiting in Looney Tunes National Park NHL and JL went onto a little roller coaster. Here is a sign that we passed on the way there. 

A Sign in the park

Here are the boys waiting for and then going on the ride. It was anticlimatic after the Bobsled ride, but fun none-the-less. 

Riding the Road Runner Express

Of course when you are near Wile E Coyote there has to be TNT. I thought this was cute and too funny not to take a photo of. 


When we were ready to head out of the area they still had the water on and JL joked that he would toss NHL in to cool off. 

1, 2, 3 . . . . Toss!

Clearly finding my purse was meant to be. Someone was definitely watching over us. Had something different happened in the morning, none of these memories would have happened.



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  • Kim says:

    Oh I’m so glad you got it back intact! What a scary feeling! Thank goodness for honest people. I found someone’s credit card just lying on a shelf in IKEA once and turned it in. I remember thinking that they were lucky I found it and not someone else!

  • lilknitter says:

    Oh hon, don’t feel bad…I’ve done this myself. Thank goodness honest people do still exist. You’re right…somebody was looking out for you that day. It would have been a shame to miss these great memories.

  • Heidi says:

    Good karma working all the way, I’d say! Looks like fun!

  • Damselfly says:

    You are always posting fun pictures on your blog. It’s a good thing my son is too little to look over my shoulder and understand that your kids are having way more fun than he is.

  • Shilo Beedy says:

    I’m glad you got your purse back. I would have been a wreck to. I lost a purse once with no money in it but it had pictures inside. Those pictures of family and friends were special to me and I never got them back. In those pictures you guys look like you had a lot of fun and glad you guys enjoyed yourselves.