Aloha Friday #14

Aloha and TGIF everyone!

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

 Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

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My questions for this week is:

How much sleep do you get on the average night?

Sleep, what is that? Seriously, I do not think I have slept a really decent night since I conceived NHL almost six years ago. Whether it was hormone induced lack of sleep, pregnancy bladder, nursing babies, teething toddlers, or a preschooler with nightmares,  nights have been sketchy to say the least. On a good night I may get 4-6 hours of combined sleep. My body and mind have learned to cope with this, but it can be rough at times.

I joke with JL that my theme song should be the following:


How I love this song! Although I may not get a great night of sleep at least the boys seem to be able to catch some Z’s most evenings, even when on the road. 

A good night sleep

Sweet dreams to all!


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  • Anne says:

    4 to5 hours sometimes

  • Em Dy says:

    My body clock wakes me up between 6 to 7 am. To wake up refreshed, I should turn in between 9 or 10 but sometimes it’s hard to give up blogging but I set my limit to just before 1 am.

  • OH MY! I need a lot of sleep but like you that seems to have vanished since our two youngest were born (at least for a season). I normally get about 5hrs. a night but I am often up 3 or 4 times durning that time. Idealy I would love to go to bed at 9pm and get up around 5 or 6!

  • Nancy says:

    I don’t function well at all without enough sleep. I don’t know how I did it when the boys were babies and I was getting up several times a night. Though Zach spoiled me by sleeping 3 hour stretches – you wouldn’t think 3 hours would make much difference over 2 hours, but getting up 2-3 times a night is a lot better than 4-5!

    I’m usually in bed by 11:30ish, and the alarm goes off at 6:45. So I get about 7 hours a night. Less than that and I’m a mess.

  • Jen E says:

    Let’s see I usually fall asleep around midnight I guess… and get up around 7… so about 7 hours, but I’m not a heavy sleeper so I wake up frequently… and I’m totally guessing when I say I fall asleep at midnight because I tend to take awhile to fall asleep no matter when I lay down…

  • Tara says:

    I am right there with you!!! I usually don’t go to bed until after midnight because my 9 month old is going to wake up around that time anyway haha so then depends on the night.. my 4 year old ends up coming in our room sometime during the night.. and I have to get up and take him back to his room. Its a circus. So hmm on average I get about 5 hours a night lol

  • On a good night, 4 or 5! I have sleep issues, can’t seem to turn my brain off

  • sagemom says:

    I’d say right now about 6 hours. I wish I could get at least 8. I need my sleep =)

  • AmyG says:

    I’m lucky to get 5 hrs of sleep.

  • Deborah says:

    8 – 9 hours . . . no kids . . . yet. So, I get all the sleep I can now.

  • Aloha Monkey says:

    I would say I get an average of 7 hours of sleep. I try to be in bed by 10pm and usually wake up at 5am for some quiet time before my boys wake up.

    Yes, I’d say that your capsule talent is pretty unique. I didn’t even know what you were talking about until I saw the word “Pharmacy.”

    Have a great weekend.

  • Aloha!
    If I am lucky, lately now that I am 8 mos. along, I get at least 6 hours of sleep, when I am not awake running to the bathroom, or standing up because my leg cramped up or got numb…lol! I am trying to enjoy it before the little one is born. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  • Cute photo of your boys sleeping.

    I often have 5-7 hours of sleep each night.

  • Well, it really should be 9 for optimal happiness but realistically, especially during the school year 6-7.

  • Cathi says:

    I get 6-8 hours usually. I’m asleep for the night by 7:30 or 8 and up between 2 or 3 am. An odd routine I started last January after surgery. It works for me though.

  • Cathi says:

    Your blanket should arrive tomorrow or Tuesday. :)

  • Sadly, it’s between 4-6 hours. It’s not enough, and often times that stretch is interrupted! I wish I was better napper!

    Great question! Good luck catching some extra Z’s!