The Thigh Saga Continues

I’m sitting here in tears from agony. I called the OB’s office again to see about the spot on my way inner thigh that was checked out on Monday. The nurse was not happy to hear that it was still so inflamed and hurting me to badly that I can hardly walk. She told me to come in. I have to see the doctor I’m not thrilled with and they will likely want to culture it. I asked if she was serious since my pants just touching it makes me want to jump out of my skin. She said most likely the antibiotic isn’t cutting it since it is definitely not the medication of choice for this type of infection.

My friend said she would take me (the one I was supposed to go out with today for a fun time), but I’m too afraid I’m going to end up in the hospital on IV antibiotics that I really want JL there. I called him and he asked if anyone else could help out. I called my mother and she didn’t volunteer and I felt odd asking her to leave work. So I called JL back up and asked if he could tell his boss it was a big emergency and he would make up the time on Sunday. He started giving me excuses, so I hung up on him. The reason JL feels like he can’t is because he was off last Monday-Wednesday for Passover and again the last two days. Plus he’s going in late next Monday since he’s going to fight the ticket he got the other day in traffic court.

So screw it, I will drive myself in. I seriously do not understand how something so stupid and little could get so bleeping bad so quickly.

C’est Moi

Update: As I was posting this my mother called and is leaving work now to come and get me.

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