Knitted cupcakes

Oh wait, please pay no attention to the title of this blog post for today. My brain and life have just been inundated by all things cupcake! Thanks to so many test runs of giant cupcakes/birthday party preparations, reading (finally finished New Moon a while back), boys that will not nap/sleep, Twitter, and Mario Kart for the Wii – knitting had a back seat. I was still knitting a little here and there, but nothing like I had been doing.

JL asked me to make something for him. He wanted a back scrubber that he could really hold onto and use in the shower. He liked the DW cloth texture. I am quite addicted to making DW washcloths because it is mindless knitting (quite nice for late night Mommy brain drain sessions). It took me a little over a week to make with all of the other distractions going on. In the end this is what it looked like. 

DW Cloth back scrubber

Yes, it looks like a giant scarf of a washcloth, but it should work perfectly. The cotton yarn does an amazing job holding onto water and soap and lathering up. Now for a close up

Hooked on this pattern

After finishing this I quickly whipped off a DW cloth for my little niece S who will be here this weekend to celebrate JSL’s first birthday. It has been so strange making cloths in girl colors. Yes, you read that right, I am now on the second one in yet another girl color scheme. I will post photos of them later after they have been given to S, I do not want to ruin the surprise for her Mommy and Daddy that read this (Hi  I and M!).

Now I am off to check out where I have seen a pattern for a cupcake cloth. It is only fitting given my new role as cupcake queen. 


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  • Lisanne says:

    Blue is my favorite color, and I absolutely love that pattern! So pretty! I hope that your husband enjoys using it! I have a hand-knitted bath pouf from a friend, but I haven’t used it yet because it’s so pretty and I just don’t want to ruin it! LOL! :)