Wordless Wednesday – My Breast Pump Engineers

Rocket science this isn't!


Breast pump engineers


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  • i have no idea what they’re doing but surely they look they are having fun.HAPPY WW

    check out mine too,they’re up now;
    Fragile Hand
    Chocolate Boy

  • KatieFeldmom says:

    LOL! I love it!!!

  • Tanyetta says:

    that is soooooo cool. wish i had an engineer at about 3:15am one day. i thought i was going to blow a gasket. :)

  • Wendy says:

    Way to go, guys! You even read the instructions…woohoo! :D

  • LUTCHI says:

    this is hilarious, keep up the good works guys,Cthanks forsharing. Mine is up at 4SeasonsOfMYlife. Hope you can visit me too.

  • JL says:

    We certainly had fun putting that together. Of course, since I hadn’t had much sleep (1 1/2 hours in the past 24 hours) at that point, my co-engineer and I were coming up with other “creative” uses for that pump. And we weren’t keeping them G-Rated either!

    Lack of Sleep + Semi-Complex Assembly = Fun! ;-)

    (I’ll leave it up to everyone’s imagination as to what we were coming up with. ;-) )

  • LOL just what i needed to see. . .men putting a breast pump together!

  • Sandra says:

    Who is the co-engineer?

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Thanks to everyone for the comments!

    Bisdak: The boys are putting together my hospital given breast pump. I needed one to try to get my nine month old son to eat. I had to go home to get things for an overnight stay when my son was admitted. This pathetic pump required them to use the instructions to put it together and gave us many laughs in the process.

    Tanyetta: I normally do not need engineers for my own Isis pump. However we were in the hospital after my son’s seizure and they gave me their pathetic bagged pump. I was SO tired from not sleeping in over 36 hours that I could not see straight to put it together.

    Wendy: They had to read the instructions since it was so easy it was difficult to put together.

    Tiff Just be happy you did not hear the conversation that JL eluded to above ;)

    Sandra: That is our friend J. He and his wife (my lifelong friend H) came to the hospital to see us. J stayed with JL at the hospital while H took me home that night to shower and get things for the evening stay.

    C’est Moi

  • JL says:

    I forgot to mention that one reason why it was so hard to put together was that the thing had about 20 different possible setups! Ok, it was only 3 or 4, but still it meant that, depending on which setup you wanted, certain pieces would go in and certain others would be left out. It wasn’t a simple matter of figuring out which piece went where.