Comment deliquents unite

Thanks to most people reading blogs on Google Reader and other platforms like that, many of us have gotten lazy. I will admit it, I read hundreds of posts and just do not click over to leave comment love to every one. Why? Well, the simple truth is that there is just not enough time in the day. Thanks to this, I try to hit the majority of the blogs that I read and leave comments a few times a week. In addition to this, I make sure to reply to all comments left on my blog via e-mail and visit their blogs. As a community, we need to show each other some comment love.

On Thursday, I wrote Commenting on Comments after watching Telling Dad’s new song parody. It is a gem and really tells a story. We need to do more to let others know that we are reading. We all have busy lives, but taking a few minutes to let someone know at least once a week that you are out there reading and appreciating their work is nice.

So my question to you this week:

What is your general rule about commenting on other blogs? Do you have a system that you use? Please share because I think we can all learn from this and help others out with more comments all around.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #103

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  • Jess says:

    I *try* to comment on any post I read! I don’t get around to others blogs as much as I want too, my 5 kids kind of take any spare time I have so I feel awful about it!

  • RobMonroe says:

    I am often up WAY before I need to be, like today, so I comment now. I comment during my lunch break, too. I am big on giving feedback and know that others appreciate comments.

    Hi, I’m Rob, and I’m a chronic commenter. :o)
    .-= RobMonroe´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Get To Work! =-.

  • I usually comment on all the posts i read! But i always like to keep in touch with the people that commented on my blog too.. so i always go by and check most of the people that keep commenting on my page and reply back after reading their last post. this way i think you create a relationship of sort with your readers not just a random comment here and there and you help them with their page views too the way they helped you:) it’s just fair:)
    Happy Friday and here’s my Aloha!

  • Auntie E says:

    I do comment on about 100 blogs per day. Some I visit have these crazy log-ins and spam guards. I do not mind the spam guards but the sign-in drive me crazy. I like to make it easy for those to comment. Linking your blog to a facebook network allows folks to comment within that network. Although you do need to have them as friends.
    another thing is to get Google reader to somehow have a comment area. I do get a few e-mails from Goggle readers.
    Here’s your link to my Aloha Friday Post.
    .-= Auntie E´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Spring into Summer… =-.

  • I need a system! I’m pretty much haphazard as I go. But I leave a comment on every post I read, and sometimes that means 100 a day, some days maybe only 25. It all depends on how many interruptions I get from Hovering Hubby or Princess Nagger. ;) I used to reply to comments in the comments when I first started, but I found that I was robbing myself of reading/commenting time on other blogs – so I try to visit the blog of every commenter and leave a comment in return, and if they ask me a specific question in the comment, I try to answer by email (as long as they’re not the dreaded ‘no-reply’ link). My problem is I’m way too wordy – like now – so I end up spending more time on each blog and can’t get around to as many as I’d like! :)

    Hi, I’m Stacy and I’m a wordaholic. I need serious professional help. ;)

    Aloha Friday Follow: Bread Storage

    .-= Stacy (the Random Cool Chick)´s last blog ..Aloha Friday Follow – Bread Storage =-.

  • Rach says:

    I try to leave comments on as many posts as possible for memes like Aloha Friday, but if it’s just a post I’ve stumbled across on a blog i don’t usually read, I wouldn’t normally comment, unless something in the post appealed to me.
    .-= Rach´s last blog ..A;oha friday #138 =-.

  • Harriet says:

    I attempt to comment everyone who is playing the same meme as I am. Friday-Follow can be a bit difficult. If I see questionable content, I move on.

    Have a great day!
    .-= Harriet´s last blog ..What’s your TV Vice? How about a Friday Hop or 2? or more… =-.

  • TechyDad says:

    I comment on blogs here and there when I feel I have something to add. Of course, I wish I had time to comment on more, but there just isn’t enough time in the day.
    .-= TechyDad´s last blog ..Aloha Friday: Kids’ Culinary Excuses =-.

  • I wish I could comment on every post I read, but I have 107 blogs in my reader (many are discount and coupon related) and definitely not enough time to comment on all of them. I tend to pick the ones that really strike a cord, and those people who comment on mine. Also, if I’m part of meme, I try to comment on a good number of those.
    .-= Jolly Green Mommy´s last blog ..Aloha Friday #3? =-.

  • noelle d says:

    i try & comment on all in the meme…
    but when some never comment back, i just start to skip them.
    also, those i follow, i try & comment as i have time to do so
    .-= noelle d´s last blog ..Aloha Friday – =-.

  • Bibi says:

    I tried many different approaches. I decided on this:

    I return comments given to me and I comment on posts and blogs that I read and I can leave nice and caring comment.

    I do not believe on leaving comments when the post doesn’t do anything for me and I don’t believe in leaving negative comments.

    I don’t comment for the sake of commenting.
    .-= Bibi´s last blog ..Aloha Friday #8 & The Golden Girls =-.

  • Owen's Mom says:

    I definitely try to return comments because I love seeing them on my blog… but, I also try to leave something when I read other blogs. Never negative. In that case, I don’t comment.
    .-= Owen’s Mom´s last blog ..Giveaway Winners! =-.

  • I have a small readership and this enables me to visit or return visits to all commentors.

    sometimes it’s hard to return all visits in the week, but I save them all and visit on the weekends and try to comment on more than one of their blog posts.
    .-= JamericanSpice´s last blog ..Collegiate Peaks – LA To AK – Aloha Friday =-.

  • Annie says:

    I leave comments daily on the blogs from my blogroll and also check another ones that are on my favorites.

    For me is very important leave comments.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend.
    .-= Annie´s last blog ..Way Back When-esday =-.

  • Deborah says:

    I try to leave comments on every post I read but sometimes I am too moved and can’t speak or I have nothing to add to comments already made. I do try to reciprocate comments left to me on my blog either by email or on the others’ blogs. I don’t really have a system though. I too am lost trying to find time and words to say.
    .-= Deborah´s last blog ..ALL CLEAR: FeedMedic Alert for Babasfarmlife =-.

  • Albany Kid says:

    Starting to feel guilty, but I just don’t always have something to contribute. But, I’m working on cutting down the number of blogs that I read regularly so that I can make time to be a part of the blog communities that are left.

    Also, clearing my blog reader regularly makes it easier to notice updates as they come in.
    .-= Albany Kid´s last blog ..All The Kids Are Doing It (Running In Albany!) =-.

  • Tatum says:

    If it’s meme I comment or try to everytime..Most of the time I lurk & I am really bad at not commenting..
    .-= Tatum´s last blog ..Aloha Friday June 11 =-.

  • Natalie A. says:

    I make sure I comment back on every comment that is left on my blog besides the entries for the giveaways! I think that’s fair to do and should be done! I don’t have a routine down otherwise! I just try to comment whenever I can on others post. Have a great weekend!
    .-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Friday is the Day to Follow Blogs! =-.