Weekend Review (11/16 – 11/18)

It is hard to believe that the weekend before Thanksgiving is already over. Time just keeps flying past me and I need to remember to stop and enjoy it while the boys are still little.

Friday night we were all exhausted from a busy week post visit to Uncle I, Aunt M and SG. JL and I actually went to bed at 9:00 to warm up and watch television. We fell asleep quickly and were rudely woken up my JSL at about 11:00. He was hysterical. JL rocking him did not work. I nursed him and he was not too thrilled with that. Each time JL would get him to sleep and get him into his crib he would wake up. His head would shoot up and he would start  bitch -er chatting loudly. We were afraid he would wake NHL up. Fast forward numerous attempts to when we tried to get him to sleep in our bed. HA! The little monster would pop his head up, scootch over to me, pull up to my face on the pillow and LAUGH! I kid you not this is what my 6 month old did. After a second nursing attempt JL was finally able to get him to sleep and put him into his crib at about 2 in the morning.

Of course NHL was up at 6:30 and woke his little brother up. JL and I were walking and talking zombies. My parents offered to have us go to their house for lunch. They said they would watch the boys so we could nap (never happened). Thanks to little sleep two nights in a row we canceled going out to dinner with friends.

PJ status remained until close to 11:00 when we finally moved our rears to go to the library. My copy of Deceptively Delicious was waiting for me there. We wanted to check it out to see if we wanted to purchase a copy (we did). Before getting dressed JL read to the boys. Here are some photos of this boy bonding time.

Everyone concentrating on the book:

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Notice who was flirting with mommy and the camera:

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After the library we went to Nana and Papa’s house. Here they had a fun new toy for NHL to use with the cars at  their house. Here is NHL setting up some cars:

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Ready to race the cars again: 

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Lunch was really yummy (and nutritious too). Our friends actually stopped by and we chatted with them for quite some time before they left to shop. At about 4:30 we left and went to the grocery store. We got lots of things and were home at about 6:00 when we had to figure out dinner. Thankfully the boys slept nicely the rest of the evening.

Sunday morning we took the boys to the craft and story time at temple. This month was all about Chanukah since it starts December 4th. Here is NHL with his craft (the candles come off and on to "light" ):

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After this we ran a bunch of errands (lunch, Kohls, Target, BJ’s) and then went home to make pumpkin pancakes with a secret ingredient!

JSL had a rough evening thanks to teething and still refuses to eat solid food – *sigh*  He will tolerate Cheerios and the Gerber sweet potato puffs, but cries and clamps his mouth shut to rice cereal, oatmeal and even butternut squash. I am calling it quits for a little while. A nice plus is yesterday JSL finally figured out how to nurse without the shield and is very happy. So my poor body will now have issues after 6 months that new mommies go through.  All I can say is I will cope and thank goodness for teething tablets.


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  • Kmelion says:

    The hat I posted in my blog has a pattern on the page, scroll down.

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Kmelion: My friend told me she saw it. Let me know if you would like her contact information to make the hat. It is just TOO cute!

    C’est Moi

  • JL says:

    You forgot one thing. We found out that JSL does like a “solid” food quite a bit. Whipped Cream. He not only opened his mouth for a baby spoon with whipped cream on it, but he grabbed the spoon and shoved it in his mouth. Then he eyed the whipped cream that topped my snack! ;-)

  • pickel says:

    You won the therapy shoppe giveaway! please email me your addy!

  • TheAngelForever says:

    JL: The sad part is I was thinking about putting that part in and then something happened and POOF – major brain fart! Thank goodness you were there to remind me and put it in here.

    pickel: Welcome to my blog! I sent you an e-mail to confirm that was where I should contact you. Hopefully you write back because I do not see anything on your website to contact you.

    C’est Moi

  • Kmelion says:

    Once I get the scarves up on ebay I’ll let you know.

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Kmelion: Sounds like a plan – you know how to get me. Take care :)

    C’est Moi