Sick baby update

Unfortunately JSL seems to be worse tonight. I sucked it up and took him to Urgent Care at 5:00. We got home at 7:00. The so called "doctor" said he had an ear infection and gave us a script for antibiotic and told me to give him motrin for the pain/discomfort.

Once home I tried to feed him. He had not nursed since 4:00 and refused to wincing in pain. I pumped thinking that it would be easier for him. Nope nothing. I went to get the medicine and left JSL with JL. When I got home he was sleeping and we woke him up for the antibiotic.

Talk about fun. . . he was not too responsive. We finally were able to get him to wake up and got the medicine ready.  It was horrible. He kept gagging on the taste of the medicine and then wanted to eat, but we couldn’t get him to drink milk. We tried a medicine dropper, spoon, fast flow bottle and slow flow bottle. After a little while JL saw he was trying to root. So I tried nursing again. He ate a teeny little bit. He was so miserable. There has to be something else to this and not just his ear. I may call our doctor to head in there tomorrow if he has a bad night.

*sigh* . . . . it’s going to be a LONG night.

C’est Moi

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  • Shawna says:

    Hope last night wasn’t too bad, and hope JSL is feeling better soon.

  • Sandra says:

    How is he doing today? We are heading to the Ped today also! Sore throat and bark in our house. Please update on him when you can!

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Shawna: The night really wasn’t too bad. I was shocked. He woke up at 4:30 and was crying he was SO hungry. His diaper was bone dry from no intake in 12 hours. Thank goodness JSL worked through the discomfort and nursed then. JL helped me to give him antibiotic (he’s a pill gagging over this) and ibuprofen (even though no fever). He’s nursing again now for the 3rd time, so I hope to see some soggy diapers soon or I will have to call our doctor.

    Sandra: He’s nursing without a fever this morning. Not much in the wet diapers, which concerns me. He feels lighter to me. Mind you he’s a chunk, but dehydration is a concern. I plan on giving medicine to help scare away fever and keep discomfort down all day.

    Good luck at the doctor. I hope the sore throats and bark vacate quickly. Drop me an update later.

    C’est Moi