My belated birthday dinner – four months later

Being a December baby, I am used to the snow altering plans for my birthday celebrations. The white nasty stuff put a damper on things this past year. It is hard to believe that, four months ago, we had almost two feet of snow dumped on us – happy birthday to me!

Heading out into the snow

Of course, the snow was just the start of the fun on that very cold and snowy December day. (Please note the extreme sarcasm here) While outside shoveling with my hubby, six year old NHL was hit near his eye with a shovel. I was inside the house baking my own cake when I heard screams and then saw a lot of red all over my child. A quick trip to the ER, glue and take out Chinese food rounded out the day.

He's a tough kiddo

TechyDad and I were supposed to go out for dinner at Hana Japanese restaurant, but it never happened. Things kept popping up and we pushed it off. Fast forward to Saturday when hubby and I left the kids with Nana and Papa and went out to dinner. We went to Hana and had an amazing dinner.

Belated B-day dinner in April

I had hibachi steak, while TechyDad opted for the hibachi salmon. We both started off with a bowl of miso soup. Everything was absolutely delicious. I made sure to save half of my meal for a lunch because I wanted to get something after dinner. Last year, we never made it to the local soft serve ice cream place. We packed up from dinner and went over. Both of us had the following:

Ice cream time

That would be a mint and chocolate swirl cone. I swear, it tasted like a Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookie on a cone . . . it was amazing! When we were done with this, we went to Toys R Us for a kid free look around. JSL’s birthday is in a month, so we needed ideas without two kids telling what "I want" to everything they see.

All in all, my belated birthday dinner out was delightful. I told JL that I really liked the spring deal and not having to worry about driving to the celebration in snow and ice. Who knew a birthday outing could be so care free?! Thank you again to Mom and Dad for watching the kids, I know they had a blast with both of you.

So, do you go out to dinner for your birthday? What did you have for dinner on your last special day?


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  • Susan says:

    I love when the hubbie cooks- so that is usually special. I am a summer baby so it is GRILL OUT all the way. :)
    Now Mother’s Day this year he has to work so I told him he has to take me out to eat :)
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..My Pledge =-.

  • RobMonroe says:

    Happy Birthday – again! Glad you had a nice dinner out – I’m a bit jealous of that ice cream cone!

    My wife and I share a birthday in December. We plan a lunch while Abby is at daycare and go out for appetizers and desert only. :o)
    .-= RobMonroe´s last blog ..Nephrologist Update =-.

  • Katie says:

    I am so glad you finally got your birthday outing! Sounds like a wonderful dinner out and that treat looks yummy! I’ve never had mint soft serve. The most exciting I’ve had is the pineapple dole whip stuff at Disney and that was pretty unbelieveable.
    .-= Katie´s last blog ..Review & Giveaway: The Madeline Movie: Lost in Paris =-.

  • Michelle says:

    I am so glad you finally got your birthday outing! Sounds like a wonderful dinner out and that treat looks yummy! I’ve never had mint soft serve. The most exciting I’ve had is the pineapple dole whip stuff at Disney and that was pretty unbelieveable.
    .-= Katie´s last blog ..Review & Giveaway: The Madeline Movie: Lost in Paris =-.