Who’s who in the ark outfit?

Today I had JSL in one of NHL’s old outfits. This evening I decided to prop him on the couch to get a photo similar to one that I had of NHL in the same outfit. Here’s the comparison.

 Ark Outfit boy comparison

So do you know which is which?

Here are the stats about the photos.

–> NHL’s was taken 12-14-2003 when he was almost 4 months old.

–> JSL’s was taken today (10-1-2007) when he was about 4 1/2 months old.

Let me know if you can tell the difference.

C’est Moi

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  • Nancy says:

    NHL is on the left.

    JSL is so cute! He’s definitely got that “baby” look now, no more newborn squishiness. And he’s got The Cheeks.

  • Sarah says:

    Yeah, what Nancy said.

    NHL is on the left.

  • Sandra says:

    Oh, they are definitely brothers, but I think they have their own look. J is a lot chubbier than N and seems to have a different complexion. Both, however, are just way too darn cute!!

  • TheAngelForever says:

    Nancy: Yup, you are correct! NHL is on the left and JSL on the right. No, the newborn look is definitely gone from JSL. *sigh* It’s great watching him grow, but sad at the same time.

    Sarah: Correct! I fixed the posts for you and combined to one. You can’t edit posts within a blog comment section.

    Sandra: No doubting they are brothers. Although similar they are very different – especially personality wise. JSL has the huge cheeks and dimple only in one of them, plus the chin dimple. The complexion is more the different camera settings (different camera from 4 years ago).

    C’est Moi