Disclosure statements and blogging with integrity

The Angel Forever has changed over the two and a half years that I have been blogging. These days, I not only write about my life, our family, places that we go, and things that we do, I also write product reviews and run some giveaways. Some of the reviews that I write are items that we have bought with our own money and I want to share my views about them. I often do this with books, movies and music. Other times, I am contacted by PR representatives, or am asked to participate in a campaign with one of the groups that I belong to (see side bar on right). When these take place, I am sent items to keep for my review. The companies value our opinion and know that it will not be swayed by a free product. If something does not work quite right, I tell it like it is (did this about the Temporal Scanner after my son’s febrile seizure).

Disclosure and transparency is key these days. Even before the FTC officially published their guide for endorsements/testimonials of bloggers, the word was out to change habits. Over the last few months, I have made sure to not only mention what items I received to review within my post, but have also added a disclosure statement at the end of any review/giveaway. This allows my readers to be fully aware of what relationship I have with the product. Again, please note that I form my own opinions and will never be swayed to give anything but my honest feelings about a product that I receive for free. 


Thanks to making changes over the last few months, I feel no major pressure with the new rules that are being placed on bloggers beginning December 1, 2009. I feel that I can proudly say that I Blog With Integrity and can live by the words that are stated on this resourceful website. Please head over there to read the powerful words that go along with the Blog With Integrity pledge and I encourage you to sign on if you have not already done so.




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