More Accomplished

Well my “To Do” that I have made is getting smaller and smaller by the day. I have managed to get it down to things that I am avoiding or aren’t easy to do while home with an almost 3 month old baby.

Like Tuesday, the last two days have been busy getting things done. Here are the things that I can remember now (the heat must be getting to me)

– Packaged up my hair donation for Locks of Love, Swaparooni packed and ready and took those along with Flex Spending envelope and J’s B-day gift out to the post office. Also bought stamps while there so I could use them to send out invitations to NHL’s birthday party later in the month.

– Wrote out all of the Curious George 4th birthday invitations. Addressed most of them and had them set for JL to send out on Thursday.

– Went to the library to get items that were on hold for me. Lots of cupcake books to look and see what to try for NHL’s birthday at school.

-Finished the 2nd batch of Flex Spending paper work (that reminds me JL needs to copy those so I can send those out now too).

– Since it was going to be in the 90’s and beyond hot and humid I opted to quickly bake the cupcake cones in the morning and frost later on at night. These were done to test run for NHL’s school party.

– Talked with one of NHL’s teachers about some behaviors that she had noted when seeing him. Left a message for one of this other “teachers” about it. Also called daycare to talk w/assistant director about some of the items the one teacher noted how this was NEVER communicated to us by the teachers in the room with NHL every day. GRRRRR! 
– Did a load of laundry (have another one in now – *sigh*)

– Stayed inside and worried about JSL since he was so blah and seems like he’s losing weight. Tried to make sure we were both as cool as possible and hydrated.

– Need to figure out where we are going for JL’s birthday dinner tonight.

– Load of laundry in now. An attempt not to have much, if any to do this weekend. A girl can dream can’t she?!

– When JSL naps must get things done for computer classes. . . especially the Free Resource one that hasn’t been done at all. After that I can work on the Digital Photography one, Word one, and Wiki one. I have to get ahead since next weekend I will be out at the baby shower for my SIL.

– Need to bake for B-day gift on Sunday 

– Must go to Moe’s to use JL’s free burrito coupon and NHL is free there on Sunday. 

–  Need to find a bag to put the baby shower gift in. Easier said than done apparently. 

– Must start a list of things for trip. More complicated since there is so much to pack for JSL. 

– Try to get JSL’s crib set up. Need to locate the bumpers. 

– Work on cleaning and getting rid of more clutter. 

On that note I am off to play/read to the little guy before he wants to nurse or sleep. 

C’est Moi

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