Rough weekend

This morning NHL and JL got up and let JSL and I sleep a little longer. I got up just in time to make sure JL was ready for the handy man that was coming to look at repairing the siding on the house and checking out our basement pipe that keeps spewing. The man came and did both things for a very reasonable price. After that I took a shower and tried the sample of the Venus Breeze razor that I was sent and I am in LOVE! I used it since I didn’t have the time to use my electric razor. Man this was so nice. You don’t need shaving gel and it left my legs feeling amazing and no cuts either!

Once I was done and had tossed a load of towels into the wash we went out to the mall. We went to EB to get Big Brain Academy for the Wii (with a gift card) and then went to an early lunch in the food court since it was empty. JSL was sleeping so the three of us were able to get things and eat. Then JSL woke up and I fed him a bottle of milk I pumped before we left. After this we went to Borders to look at things since I have a ton of gift cards for there. We all went to the restrooms there. I took JSL and changed his diaper and JL was with NHL. When I came out NHL was curled up on JL’s lap. He was acting tired all morning and JL thought he was warm. No temperature this morning.

We got NHL a few books (buy 2 get 1 free) and went home. JL had to carry NHL to t he car since he was so out of it. We got home and he napped. At 4:00 NHL was up and acting odd and was warm. We took his temperature and it was 100.3 so I went to CVS to get some meds since the liquids we had here were WAY old. At dinner he started talking a mile a minute. NOT a good sign. At 7:45 we took his temperature since he was really acting odd. It was 102+ with the motrin in him. My parents went to get us Tylenol. He got that at close to 8:00. At 8:45 his temp was 103 – so we called the doctor. The new woman was on call. She called at 9:15 and told us how much to give him (more aggressive on the motrin). So we have our game plan for the night, but are always afraid since he had the febrile seizure July 17, 2004. . . ACK!

So at 12:30 we have to wake him up for more Tylenol and 3:30 for Motrin. Then we’ll see how it goes. Meanwhile JSL is sleeping in our room and he’s all cranky. UGH! We’re doing our best at keeping the little one away from NHL, but it’s tough in small quarters.

On that note I am off to get some water and rest before we have to fight NHL again to take more meds.

C’est Moi
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