Tuesday Tales: Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles

Pictures of pickles dance in our heads thanks to the extremely talented author JC Little. JC is known to  many as The Animated Woman and we have been fans of hers for quite some time. When JC mentioned that her third book was being published, I could not wait to check it out. We love the Pickle Weasel app and were excited to see this familiar pickle face in a book. We received a complimentary Kindle copy to check out the interactive features.  Of course, there is also a paper version of the book, isn’t it pretty?


One of the fun features of the Pickle Weasel app is the picture riddle area. Now, Pickle Weasel comes to life in this book to get your brain grooving to figure out what the green super star is up to.

As you move along in the book you can try to guess what each picture riddle is about. I decided to share this screen capture because Fezzes are cool, especially on Pickle Weasel.

Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles - page

Not sure what the riddle is about? No worries, JC has included fun clues to help readers out.

Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles - clue

Did you figure it out yet? Here’s the answer:

Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles - answer

This is just a teaser because there are 100 additional picture riddles in the book with Pickle Weasel featured in them. Yes, the book contains 101 illustrations and riddles for readers to enjoy. Here is another quick taste since JC said I could share a few with my readers.

Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles Book

I definitely recommend this book to adults and kids that like picture riddles. The fun illustrations will keep you turning the pages to see what Pickle Weasel is up to next. I know I am saving this book to keep the kids busy when we take our next road trip.

Pickle Weasel Picture Riddles by JC Little

What would you like to see Pickle Weasel doing if you could request JC to draw something special? Remember to keep it PG rated because this is a family blog. As always, Tuesday Tales is all about sharing our love of books. Please let me know what you have read recently. Be sure to link up to your book posts in the comments below. Include something you read on your own, with a child, or someone else.

It's Me

Additional posts I have written about JC Little and her talent:

Disclosure: As noted above, I received an eBook copy of this book from JC Little to review. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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