Tuesday Tales – The Creature From My Closet Series

It was like lightning stuck me when I was working at the book fair at school a few months ago. A book on one of the shelves caught my eye. I immediately look a photo of it to send to TechyDad, and started to check it out on my phone. What I found was that The Creature in My Closet was a series of books by author Obert Skye. The book sitting on the shelf was actually the second book in the series, so I opted not to purchase it at the time. When I went home that evening, I showed NHL the photo of the book, along with the other two books online.

The Creature From My Closet Series by Obert Skye

My reluctant reader was begging me to get the books to read. When The Creature in My Closet: Wonkenstein arrived, my fifth grader could barely be pulled away from the book. I actually had to tell him to stop reading a few times because it was time for dinner, time to go to school, or go to bed. For what I believe was the first time, NHL got up in the morning and went right to reading his book. Before I knew it, he had finished Wonkenstein and was ready for the second book Potterwookiee (Harry Potter meet Star Wars). Over winter break, I was amazed to see my kiddo devour the second book. He begged me to get the third book in the series. While waiting for it, he went back to another series that is a spoof of characters that he enjoys. It is hard to explain what the series is about and why I really want to read it as well. Here is a video with the author that will make you understand why kids of all ages will enjoy.

Yes, what is not to love about books that combines Willy Wonka/Frankenstein, Harry Potter/Chewbacca, and Pinocchio/Dracula. NHL is finishing up Pinocula right now and he mentioned that a fourth book is coming out. He is right. In September 2014, Katfish will be released. Can you guess what combination of characters is coming?

Book 4 announcement inside Pinocula

If you guessed Katniss from The Hunger Games and Ariel The Little Mermaid, you would be correct. I really, really, really need to catch up so I can talk with NHL about these books and be ready for the next book release later this year.

What book has your child read recently that you want to read? As always, Tuesday Tales is all about sharing our love of books. Please let me know what you have read recently. Be sure to link up to your book posts in the comments below. Include something you read on your own, with a child, or someone else.

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