Tuesday Step Tracking – week 1

I am going to introduce a new feature here at Chez Angel called "Tuesday Step Tracking."  I hope that this will help me to keep on track and get others to join the pedometer club with me.

Last Tuesday my new pedometer arrived at my doorstep. I had been anxiously waiting for it. I wanted to see if it was true. Lots of items I have read stated that the average person with a pedometer walks 2,000 more steps a day. Would this be the same for me? Would this little gadget prove to be a motivator to make me power walk more and get my rear in gear? Here are my results for the first week:

Tuesday, April 28th

  • Wore pedometer from ~3:30 in the afternoon once it arrived. Full days from this point on.
  • Did 3 miles Leslie Sansone DVD (45 minutes) 4,083 steps, 39 minutes of aerobic exercise
  • Total steps for day 5,793

Wednesday, April 29th

  • Watched The Biggest Loser on DVR and power walked for 51 minutes of aerobic exercise and 6,195 steps
  • 3 Miles of the Fat Burn Leslie Sansone DVD, 38 more minutes of Aerobic and 4,144 steps
  • Total steps for the day 13,394

Thursday, April 30th

  • Watched Pushing Daisies on the DVR (while hubby was sitting and watching) and power walked for 45 minutes of aerobic exercise and 5,356 steps
  • Total steps for the day 10,311

Friday, May 1st  (started the day off not feeling so great – so not a lot of movement)

  • Completed the entire 5 Mile Slim Down Leslie Sansone DVD, 66 minutes of aerobic exercise and 7,539 steps
  • Total steps for the day 9,807

Saturday, May 2nd

  • Watched Pushing Daisies on the DVR and power walked for 44 minutes of aerobic exercise and 5,257 steps
  • Total steps for the day 11,060

Sunday, May 3rd

  • Watched Pushing Daisies on the DVR and power walked and did Leslie Sansone like moves for 38 minutes of aerobic exercise and 4,065 steps
  • Total steps for the day 12,154

Monday, May 4th

  • Completed the entire 5 Mile Fat Burn Leslie Sansone DVD, 60 minutes of aerobic exercise and 6,078 steps
  • Watched television while power walking, 30 minutes of aerobic exercise and 3,159 steps
  • Total steps for the day 11,489

My goal was to try to hit 10,000 steps a day which is the magic number posted all over the place. As you can see I did this. Of course I never would have hit that goal if I did not put effort into doing the exercise DVDs and/or power walked while catching up on television programs. For me the pedometer has been an eye opener and motivator. I still need to recalibrate it since I am not sure if the mile calculator is correct. If it is, these are the totals for the week (remember Leslie Sansone calculates based on beats per minute to get her mile markers)

  • 1.82 miles  (did 3 miles w/Leslie Sansone)
  • 4.22 miles  (did 3 miles w/Leslie Sansone)
  • 3.25 miles
  • 3.09 miles (did 5 miles w/Leslie Sansone)
  • 3.49 miles
  • 3.83 miles
  • 3.62 miles (did 5 miles w/Leslie Sansone)

My totals for the week: 

  • Total of 23.32 miles (16 "miles" with the DVDs)
  • Steps for the week –> 74,008

As you can see the miles will not jive with the Leslie Sansone DVD’s, but those are amazing multiple muscle aerobic workouts, so no worries there (afterall I have lost 25.5 pounds since the year started). Typically I do 5-7 days of those videos, but this week was rough with all of the Disney World preparations.

Next week I will continue to track my steps while at Walt Disney World. I am very curious to see how many miles I will walk there since everything involves a lot of walking. Will post results when I get back. If you would like to join in please link on up in the comments below and tell all of your walking friends about this.

Happy Walking!



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