Almost two years

It is hard to believe that I have been a stay at home mother (SAHM) for almost two years now. Time sure does fly by when you are busy with two little boys.

I was lucky enough to stay home with NHL for his first year. After that, I went back to teaching for three years before JSL came along. JSL will be two years old in just over two weeks. He and I have been at home the entire time. Recently, I started to look for some things for us to do. Not only do I need to get out, more importantly the little guy needs to socialize with little people his own age. He certainly knows how to play with NHL, but kindergarten kids are not his true peers.

Brothers stop for a pose

This morning, JSL and I are heading to look at a toddler program for two year olds. He would be able to start it in the fall. It is for 2, 3 or 5 days a week. I would be able to drop him off for 3 hours on those days and he would play and do other developmentally appropriate activities. They also offer the opportunity to entend the day IF you need this. Since the job market stinks, and schools locally are letting teachers go that will not likely be needed. So in a short while the two of us will head off on an adventure.

Running to get Daddy

It will be hard for me to imagine leaving my little guy, but I know it will be good for him down the road.

She got me

So, we will see how this goes and if it is not for us, we have plenty of time to find something else. Then we have the entire summer to play and spend time with big brother before September is here. All I can say is they grow up WAY too quickly.


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  • John says:

    Wow you are so right when you say they grow up quick. I can’t believe Andrew is almost two already and I sometimes forget that another is on the way!

    The toddler programs would be great. My niece (4) and nephew (3) are in one and they love going to school and have met some friends already. It is also a nice break for the parents!

    John’s last blog post..Six Ways to Keep Your Baby Busy at a Restaurant

  • RobMonroe says:

    We were bummed that neither of us could stay home when my daughter was born, but it has been incredibly helpful for her development to be around a gaggle of other children her age. I’m sure that he’ll fit right in and you’ll have some time to yourself again. Win win!

    RobMonroe’s last blog post..Summertime in Spring

  • Staci A says:

    Good luck! I hope it goes well!

    You’re right, they do grow way too fast-I can’t believe mine will start school this year!

    Staci A’s last blog post..To Yard Sale or Not to Yard Sale…

  • They sure do….
    Glad to see a smile on his face :)

    Susan Lindgren’s last blog post..Monday’s Duck

  • Kmelion says:

    I wanted to send Nati to the daycare program they have here in September but it’s so darn expensive, unless I start bringing in money, there’s no way we can afford it.

    Kmelion’s last blog post..null