Thankful on Memorial Day

There truly is no perfect way to thank all of the amazing men and women in our armed forces. Each time I see someone in uniform, I try to let them know we truly appreciate all that they do and sacrifice with their families for our country. My boys are young, but I want to take some time with them to make sure they know the real reason that we are together as a family instead of at work and in school today. They are old enough to understand that men and women in the uniforms we often see are heroes that give us many of the privileges that we take for granted in America.

While the weather this weekend has been far from perfect (rainy and cold), it was still filled with people that I love. My boys have had a wonderful time seeing their cousins, exploring a new museum, and being kids. We will make sure to remember the do something to say thank you, whether make cards for troops or something else that they can understand.

Memorial Day Thanks

Once again, on this Memorial Day weekend, we all need to stop and remember the brave individuals in our armed forces. Far too many pay the ultimate price to defend our country and the rights that we often take for granted. To all of those that have served, lost their lives, and the brave families behind them . . . .thank you! All of you are the real reason that we celebrate Memorial Day.

It's Me

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