Looking Back at Mother’s Day

Ten years ago in May, I was  expecting my first son and looking forward to being a new mother. I had no idea how my life was about to change and the love that I would immediately feel for this new little life.

NHL is hours old - August 2003

NHL changed the way that I forever see the world. This is nothing negative, but he has given me the inner “Mama Bear” moments where I will fight and advocate until I am blue in the face.

Six years ago, I spent mothers day, extremely pregnant with my second son. I was days from my due date and feeling so tired because I was also battling an infection during the last month or so. Little did I know that the very next morning, I would see my second little boy and fall head over heals in love with another child. At the time, I worried that I would not have enough love for both of my children. Of course, I quickly learned that it would simply expand to fit the needs of our growing family.

Brothers forever

Watching the boys on the day that we took JSL home was amazing. The boys have grown so much over the last six years and are now such good friends. They have their moments as all siblings do, but the two will protect each other like nobody else can.

I rarely take photos with the boys because I am usually the one with the camera in my hands, but this mother’s day I asked TechyDad to get one of the three of us.

Mother's Day 2013

I always want to remember these moments because my babies are growing up before my eyes and each time I blink more and more milestones are gone forever.

It's Me

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