Sweet New Year Wishes 5776

This evening at sundown, my family will start our Rosh Hashanah celebration. The Jewish New Year is a symbolic part of the year. It’s during this time that we stop to look back at the past year and reflect.

Sweet New Year Wishes for Rosh Hashanah

So much has happened over the last year and I am looking forward to the year ahead of us. At times life can be overwhelming, but time with family in recent weeks has helped to keep my focus. Rather than dwell on the negative, I am looking for ways to improve things for myself, my family, and others. While things may be quiet at times over here on my blog, life keeps going and so much has been happening. As we start 5776, I have a list of things to share about our summer, the educational world, autism advocacy, Bar Mitzvah planning, and so much more.

Now I leave you with a fun new Rosh Hashanah song that a friend shared from YouTube. Apples and Honey Are Good – Rosh Hashanah Parody by Erez Cohen Music.

To all of those that celebrate, I wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and sweet start to 5775.

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