Focusing Beyond the Squirrels of Life

I have not posted on my blog all year!


Well, it’s time to change that.

Happy New Year from The Angel Forever

The new year has started with a bang. Spending time with the boys before they went back to school. Getting back into the swing of things with school. Plus there were meetings, writing, working on my Jamberry business, and more.

This year, I have promised myself that I am going to get refocused on my blog. Last year, I spent a lot of time on other writing projects that kept me away from here. I know that changed the tone here. I want to get it back to where it was and more! Thanks to a blogging challenge with TypeAParent,  I am ready, willing, and able to get to work and make it happen.

Goal for TypeAChallenge

“Squirrels” take note,  you are toast. This year, I am going to kick you to that curb and wear blinders to maintain focus on my family, blog, advocacy, and business.

What are your immediate goals for 2015?

It's Me

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