Tuesday Tales: 2014 Summer Library Program

As a kid, I loved the summer. It was a time when I could go to the library with my friends and read books that I wanted to with no pressure from school. When summer reading programs started, it was even more fun. Of course, times have changed and summer reading programs at the library have also grown up. Two years ago, my boys adored the program that we had. We were able to check our books in online, head in for events and fun, and in the end they read a LOT. My boys really fed into the 15 minute increments when reading and wanted to add more and more time. Last year, the boys were not into the program. You had to go into the library to record things and a lot of it focused on going to activities and other items.

Summer Reading at New York Libraries

Saturday we went to the library to check out the 2014 program. Based on the theme – Fizz Boom Read, I think it’s going to be a very fun year. The boys are in different programs now that NHL is heading to Middle School. The boys each received a sheet with items to do over the next week (or beyond if need be).

JSL’s Elementary Reading Program had a beaker with bubbles to complete including:

  • Read a book out loud
  • Read a mystery book
  • Read a Science Fiction Book
  • Read a book by an author you’ve never read
  • Read a book by your favorite author
  • Read a Graphic Novel
  • Attend a library program

There were many other bubbles with tasks to complete. For every 5 bubbles completed, he will receive a prize. On the flip side of the sheet is an area to write observations for the week. When JSL finished reading his first book that night, he declared it was by his favorite author and he read it to me. Nice try, but I quickly explained only one bubble per book read. Even more impressive, JSL has been reading a book he got from a friend when we picked up a new bike Sunday. Suddenly, the solo chapter reading bug has hit the newly minted second grader.

Summer Reading Program Periodic Table

NHL’s Teen Summer Reading Program sheet (High School/Middle School) has a flask with bubbles to complete including:

  • Read a magazine
  • Write a Haiku about the library
  • Read an Adventure Book
  • Read a Dystopian Book
  • Read a Poetry Book
  • Listen to an Audio Book
  • Read an e-book
  • Complete a SNAP Circuit Project

Like the other sheet, there were additional bubbles and items to fill out on the back. For every five completed, a prize will also be awarded. NHL has been working hard and seems to be very happy and I hope it continues the rest of the summer.

So this made me curious. What are the summer reading programs like at your library? As always, Tuesday Tales is all about sharing our love of books. Please let me know what you have read recently. Be sure to link up to your book posts in the comments below. Include something you read on your own, with a child, or someone else.

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  • Kim Anderson says:

    We have the same program here in Atlanta where I live. My son is only 2.5 but he gets to participate in the program and he really enjoys it. The do have tons of activities in the catalog that make it look like the elementary age kids have lots of great activities, presentations & crafts to do. My son has to fill out his Fizz Boom Read with 10 picture books, 5 picture books and another 5 picture books. It’s been good for us because I’ve de-cluttered our book collection and gotten it down to just the books my son likes to look at on his own and we have a “new” book now every night which my husband likes since he mostly does the night time reading routine. I’m glad you wrote about this because I think more people need to take advantage of programs like these!
    Kim Anderson´s last blog post ..Frozen Herb Cooking Cubes