Summer Fun with a Twist of Math

Behind the scenes, the boys and I have been getting ready for our summer break. Thanks to writing for the Bedtime Math Add it Up Blog, we have done several fun activities that you will see featured soon.

Recycled Crayons and Chalk Paint

If you are looking for some great ideas for the next few months, be sure to check out the latest from all of the writers over on the Bedtime Math blog. Today you can test out my Breathe New Life Into Old Crayons post. Here are more of the latest that you may be interested in trying:

There are many other posts that you will find over on the Bedtime Math blog. Stop by, look around, and remember that we are always adding more fun ideas with a math twist for the entire family. In addition to this, be sure to read the weekly So You Wanna Be An…. series that is featured on the blog. Oh and be sure to look at the Get Ready for Road Trips with Our Math On the Go Printable!

It's Me

Disclosure: I am a freelance blogger for Bedtime Math. While I am paid for those posts, I share here because I love that Bedtime Math encourages families to find math in the everyday activities that you already do.

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