Moving Up to Middle School

Moving up to middle school from elementary school is a huge milestone for children and parents alike. I still vividly recall that time in my childhood. After being in the same school from kindergarten to sixth grade, it was hard to move forward. I remember signing yearbooks, the last week of celebration with friends, and the tears because not everyone would be going to the same middle school.

Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony

I have spent additional time in middle school since I moved on to high school and beyond.  As a teacher, I had an eighth grade homeroom and taught students from sixth to eighth grade. I witnessed this confusing time period from the teacher perspective. To say that it was an eye opening experience would be an understatement. I do believe it helped me a lot in my life at home.

Now, I am going to finish the trifecta of middle school milestones. My oldest will be moving up from fifth grade at the end of this school year. NHL will be an official middle school student going to a much bigger school.

Trying to get NHL ready and not scare him about the changes is the goal for this summer. We are going to make the most of the time together. He will be busy at camp for some of the days. Other times, we will frequent events at the library, museums, and other locations. The spray ground will call our names on hot days to cool off. Most important, we will all decompress as much as possible before we start this new academic adventure together in September.

For those of you who have children that have moved from elementary school to middle school, what are your tips for easing into this transition?

It's Me

P.S. A huge thank you to the amazing parents at our school that made the moving up carnival this weekend. The kids had a wonderful time and it made me smile seeing them so happy together.

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