A Variety of Fun Winter Activities

This winter has been brutal around here and all over the country and beyond. There have been many days when the kids would love to go and play outside, but it is simply too cold. Recently, I have been reading a lot of the blog posts from other writers on the Bedtime Math blog for ideas to keep the boys busy. I am very lucky to be part of this very special group. It has also inspired me to let go, get messy, and have more fun with the kids because they are growing up before my eyes.

Snow Paint Fun and Learning

Here are some of the latest from the Bedtime Math blog that may be something you will want to check out for a snow fun or other days when trying to keep warm with your kids.

  • Mini Football = Big Super Bowl Fun – Angie Six shares a great game of football that is fun to try inside and keep the kids busy.
  • So You Wanna Be A…Firefighter – Great new series written by Derek Stump that looks at careers that involve math.
  • Snowflake Fun – Candace Lindamann gets the entire family looking at the math behind snowflakes.
  • Watch Out For Flying Marshmallows – Yes, I encourage you to get your kids to let marshmallows fly around your house.
  • DIY Recycled Rock Band – Angie Six shows us how to make some fun musical instruments with things you will have at home.
  • This Craft is For the Birds – Kim Moldofsky has kids feeding birds and making winter animal observations.
  • On a (Math) Roll with Tape – Grab a roll of masking or painters tape and get ready to move around and have fun with this post by me.

These are just some of the fun items that we have done and are going to try over the next few weeks. I have more fun planned and I know the other bloggers do as well. How have you kept your kids warm, busy, learning, and having fun this winter?

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