Making Pom-Pom Hats

Growing up, I remember wearing fun winter hats with giant pom-poms on top. I am not sure why I remember that, but I do. For years, I have avoided hats in the winter time. I have never found any that I like, that fit right, or are fun. A short time ago I started to crochet my own hats for everyone in the family. Guess who is hooked (no pun intended) on wearing hats again? I have been making a lot of hats, but I was not in love with my pom-pom. I tried to make it on my own and did not have a lot of yarn left in the skein. The one for my mother’s hat was a little better, but did not make me happy.

First Pom-Poms for hats

Thanks to Instagram, I saw photos of the new Clover Pom-Pom maker and wanted to check it out at the craft store. When I went to pick up some yarn for projects the other day, I stopped by to look at the different pom-pom making options. Since I am a Clover fan, I decided to get the large pom-pom maker to test out. I had some more of the yarn for my first hat to redo that sad looking guy on top.

Clover Pom-Pom Maker

While the directions on the back of the box were easy to follow, I decided to check out Clover’s YouTube video to make sure I was setting everything up for the first time. Here are some photos from my process.

Pom-Pom making process

I still need to help the shape out a bit and cut from yarn to fix it up a bit, but it looks so much better. Check out the sad old pom-pom next to the brand new one. Then, through a small procedure (scissors), the old pom-pom was removed and I sewed the new one in.

New clover pom-pom on hat

And, just like that, I fell in love with the Clover Pom-Pom maker that I bought at my local craft store. Are you a fan pom-pom hat fan, or do you prefer to have a plain hat to keep your noggin warm?

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