Bedtime Math Parent Blog Writer

For a few weeks, I have been holding back on announcing some fantastic news. I was recently asked to write posts for the Bedtime Math Parent blog. Now that all of the paper work is signed and my first post is live, I thought I would share some information with my readers. It is no secret that math and science are a huge part of our world thanks to my love and TechyDad’s. Our kids have been naturally curious about numbers, math concepts, and like to play with math games when given the choice. My oldest son, NHL, has always incorporated math problems into his art work.

Bedtime Math Android App Screenshot

As a parent, I love why Laura Bilodeau Overdeck created Bedtime Math for families. The mission is to make math a fun part of kids’ everyday lives. Math is a part of our world, so why not find it within the fun that families do each and every day? That is exactly what the book, website, and app are working to do. This video shares a bit more about the book by Overdeck.

So my question this week is inspired by my new project:

What fun ways have you incorporated math into your family and lives outside of the school setting?

It's Me

Disclosure: My writing for Bedtime Math is compensated, but I was never asked to share this on my blog. I believe in adding enriching activities into the lives of our children, and Bedtime Math does this, so I wanted to share.

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this Friday fun. These days, Pamela at A Renaissance Woman is reviving the fun Friday Meme. Head over there to link up and join in the fun.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #256

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