Lunch and Recess Time at School

Schools are stressed for time. Every minute of every day is strategically used in one way or another. Of course, in my mind too much of the focus is spent on testing and more specifically teaching to the tests. I will not even get into that right now because it is too much of a hot topic with the Common Core State Standards being pushed into almost every classroom throughout the country. In New York State, my children are in the second year of this transition. It is not only rough on them, but also on the teachers and parents. Rather than focus on the negative (I could go on and on), I want to check in with parents from throughout  New York and other states. What is the topic?

Lunch and Recess Time at School

At a recent PTA meeting, an interesting topic came up and got me thinking. A parent asked about the lunch and recess time at our school. Our children have 30 minutes for a combined lunch and recess. Of course, young kids rush or do not bother to eat to get outside into the fresh air to run, play, and get energy out. Who can blame them really? The question came up as to whether there is a standard amount of time for lunch and recess in elementary schools. I honestly can not recall the time at our last school. When I was teaching, I believe our students (PreK-8) had 30 minutes for lunch and then recess after that.

So my question of the week is inspired by the PTA meeting:

How much time do your children have for lunch and/or recess at school? I would love to know grade levels and if you are comfortable what state you live in.

It's Me

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this Friday fun. These days, Pamela at A Renaissance Woman is reviving the fun Friday Meme. Head over there to link up and join in the fun.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #254

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