Making Time to Crochet

A week ago, I decided that I wanted to try to really crochet again. I knew the basics, but it never really worked out for me. I always had troubles holding the hook, moving the yarn, and getting even tension. Being a long time knitter seemed to complicate things a bit. Thanks to some amazing YouTube tutorials out there, I figured out what I had been doing wrong before. My hook started to fly over the yarn. Once I did practice stitches, I tried the cloths that ColoradoMoms made a video for.

Crocheting washcloths

This used Half Double crochet and I fell in love. I used an entire skein of Lily yarn to make three quick cloths to work on some items.

Then, I wanted to try more. I went to YouTube again and decided to tackle granny squares. After I got the hang of it with some cotton yarn, I pulled out some softer yarn that I stopped using on an old project (crazy colors I know and more will be added). I decided to try more granny squares. The rest is history.

Making Crocheted Granny Squares

Yes, I owe a big thank you to Emily at and also to Connie at for their inspiration. Their posts about crocheting really pushed me to try something new for me time.

If you crochet and have patterns that you love, please let me know. I am definitely looking for more items to try now that I have the hang of this.

It's Me

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