40th Anniversary Wishes

40 years ago today, two very important people in my life got married. Yes, my parents are celebrating their 40th anniversary today. The two of them are such an important part of our lives.

40th Anniversary Wishes

The two of them have always been there for me. They listened to me when I made a change in careers during college to follow my dreams. My parents have also been there with TechyDad and I since we were dating, planning our wedding, and started our family. No matter what time of day or night, I know they will be there for us. Nana and Papa have been with us for the birth of the kids, met and or taken us to the emergency room when a kiddo was sick, and celebrated magical memories at Walt Disney World with us twice.

Magical Disney Family Moments

It only seems fitting that the people that started my love for all things Mickey Mouse and Disney got to be with the boys for their first trip. Then, last year, it made me the happiest to be able to invite my parents with us to a special event in Orlando. They never blinked about taking the boys into the parks alone so TechyDad and I could go to the conference. Instead, they were like kids themselves watching in wonder at the events unfold. I saw just how amazing and magical Walt Disney World is for my parents.

 Nana and Papa at Epcot

The two of them enjoyed time with all of us, just the kids, and they walked miles exploring all of the parks as a couple. It did not surprise us when they started to look at a destination to go for their 40th Anniversary Celebration. Of course, it will be Walt Disney World in the not too distant future.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. May there be many more happy and healthy years together making magical memories together.

It's Me

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