An Evening at School with my Little Guy

Dear JSL,

Last night we dropped Daddy and NHL off to a prior commitment that they had. After that we went off to a fun evening at your school. Since you are a kindergarten kid and need to get to know the building, people, and community it seemed like an important item for us to go to.

I am so glad that we went. You were not too sure about things when we started out, but then you quickly perked up. We started off with getting a PTA membership card. They also had the school t-shirts on sale. Thank goodness they had one left in your size. I suggested that we put it on you. The smile that lit up your face was priceless. You were so proud and seemed to have more of a connection to the school racing around with the logo on your chest.

Then we wandered around and you wanted to make sure we brought something home for NHL. So we donated some money for cookies to take home with us. After this we wandered to the crafting area. Your art teacher gave up a seat since she was finishing with her family and you sat down to make something fun.

Harvest Craft Time

When you were finished, we went into the dance area where you found a friend from your class. We followed them to the silent auction area. We bought some tickets and you had fun placing them into bags to try to win something. Then, you went to get a tattoo on your hand with the school logo. After that we took one more trip to the Scholastic Book Fair and bought another Pete the Cat book.

After almost two hours, it was time to head off to get Daddy and NHL. We shared everything with them. This morning you had to put your school shirt on immediately because you love it so much. I have a feeling this may have been our best decision ever. Thank you for sharing a fun evening at your new school with me.



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