Orange Giraffe Poem Tower

Dear NHL,

I adore when you tell me about the projects that you are working on at school. Of course, once they come home it is even more impressive. I love the creativity you show and the fantastic projects your art teacher comes up with. This latest one was no different. You picked the poem called Orange Giraffe to make a Poem Tower based on it. The giraffe was super cute. I love how the Model Magic marbled to make the perfect giraffe pattern.

Meet Orange Giraffe

When you look at the entire piece, it was really amazing to see all of the details included. It was especially cool to listen to you explain how you read the poem, made a big drawing, base of project was made, and finally the giraffe to attach.

Giraffe Poem Tower Art Project

I am looking forward to seeing what lies ahead the rest of this year in art and beyond. Oh and congratulations on winning the Word of the Week prize at school – very proud of you.



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