Deal E-mails for Savings and Fun

Raise your hand if you receive daily e-mails from Groupon. My e-mail not only has something from Groupon each and every day, it also has items from Living Social and Double Take Deals. There are probably a few others, but these three seem to have had some great local and national deals in recent weeks.

Just before Passover, I bought the boys subscriptions for the National Wildlife Federation magazines through Living Social. It was a very good deal and was the perfect Afikomen gift. The boys have been keeping up on animals with Big Backyard and Ranger Rick. The best part is they love reading and getting something special in the mail.

Ranger Rick and Big Backyard Magazine

In the past, we have also bought deals for local bakeries to have an extra special treat at Fluffalicious or Sweet Temptations. For a while, nothing really caught my eye. A week or so ago, I saw a half off coupon for a local restaurant that we really enjoy. I bought two of those and we used one of them for lunch this weekend.

This weekend, I bought two other deals. TechyDad and I are hoping to go on a date night one day soon. We have never been to The Melting Pot and have always wanted to try it. Thanks to Living Social, I bought a $30 voucher to use for $15. Not too shabby for a fun and different date.

While looking for something to do with the kids, a Groupon for frozen yogurt store that is new to the area caught my eye. My parents told me that they had tried it while visiting my brother once. We bought a deal and used it for something special after shopping on Sunday. Enter Lemon Tree Frozen Yogurt into our lives.

So many options different froyo flavors and lots and lots of toppings.

Froyo toppings at Lemon Tree

The boys had a lot of fun experimenting with items since we had the amazing Groupon deal. Check out the fun look at Lemon Tree:

Lemon Drop Froyo

The coupon e-mail deals are a great way to try a new location for fun, food, or something else. What deals have you tried and enjoyed with one of these companies? If you know of other great deal websites, please share below.

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