Yesterday, I wrote about a word that really bothered me. In Strange is as Strange Does, I mentioned how one simple word got under my skin. Since that day, I am embracing the word, but still believe that it should be cautiously used.
We are each unique individuals. The items that make us who we are and may seem “strange” to one person, is likely what attracts us to our friends. Over twenty-five years ago, I learned this hobby:
Let me tell you, knitting as an elementary school child was not and likely is not popular. It was probably considered strange by some. Still, each summer my friend J and I would sit outside after playing and knit. I would also knit with my Aunt T and Nana. It was nice to have a hobby that others I knew had. Knitting would be something that I would pick up from time to time. That was until JSL was born and it really stuck with me. For five years now, I have made countless washcloths, scarves, blankets, and more. Yes, even Clumsy and Snowflake have been recipients of my knitting.
Although knitting is more accepted these days, people still look at you a bit when you pull out a bag and work on something in public. It just is not as socially acceptable as, say, reading a book while in a waiting room, standing outside of school, or at the library. The reality is I do not care. I knit when I want to, what I want to, and because I want to. That’s the beauty of who we are, we do things that have meaning to us and make us happy inside and out.
So my question to you this week:
What hobby do you have that others may look at and consider a bit different or perhaps strange, but it makes you happy?
Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.
Aloha #206
The amount of reading I do.
Cheryl “Mash”´s last blog post ..Aloha Friday
The custom Barbies I make (I haven’t made any in quite a while) but there were definitely strange looks if I happened to be in a public area poking a needle through a Barbie head (sans her body) adding eyelashes. ;) I’ve always wanted to learn how to knit – I know how to crochet (and used to do it all the time, but something else I haven’t done in years). :)
Stacy Uncorked´s last blog post ..The Bee Incident
I don’t *think* I have any strange hobbies but I do want to learn to knit and sew!!
Melissa Rheinlander´s last blog post ..Summer #Flashback Link Up {6/8}
We, NY and I, study the scriptures everyday together and individually. To some that might be strange. To others it’s perfectly normal. I also have been sewing for more than a hobby since I was ten or younger. By Jr High (middle) school, I was sewing all my own clothes. By choice not necessity and my kids and now grands wear my creations. I’m sure I have some strange habits / hobbies but that’s all that comes to mind right now. LOL
Cathi´s last blog post ..Aloha Friday – Old Friends, New Friends and the Magic of Disney
My only hobbies is I do crochet, and I like playing games on FB from time to time. I guess the only sort of weird one is I do collect brass things and nic nacs. They have to be different like I have one of a camel and one of an owl, a deer laying down. they’re very pretty and I do shine them off every so often.
Is yoga considered a hobby? I love yoga.
Enjoy your weekend!
Harriet´s last blog post ..What’s this image stuff? Can you read it?
That is so true about knitting. Gosh what is the big deal. It’s a natural and fun hobby for many people.
I’d love to learn.
Only thing I do that would consider strange is stare at people :) People watch.
Or I walk around with my nose in a book.
Or I dance…
Happy weekend :)
JamericanSpice´s last blog post ..I Give a Firm One – Aloha
I can’t think of anything…but, alot of my friends/family absolutely do not get blogging. Sometimes when I tell my mom about certain opportunities that I’ve had through blogging, she thinks it’s all a big scam.
Kari´s last blog post ..Naiad Soap Arts – Product Review
The strangest hobby I have is probably blogging. People who don’t do it just don’t get it or understand it. For me, it’s a great way to connect with women all over the world. It’s been a lifesaver for me feeling like part of a very special community.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Menopausal New Mom´s last blog post ..Sunday Showcase Link Up Your Giveaways!
Yes! Finally someone writes about hobbies and pastimes gta
hobbies for men´s last blog post ..hobbies for men