Feeling Bionic-ly Challenged

Please excuse me if I am MIA for a little while. Right now, I am working on something new to me. TechyDad and I finally moved forward and decided to get our first Smartphones. This is the phone that I had been using for the last two and a half years. It was a step up since we finally got a texting plan and I wanted a QWERTY keyboard. My old dumb phone

With my little phone I could add status messages to Facebook, Tweet, and send photos as needed. It may not have been the best, but it worked and I managed by being frugal.

Now things have changed and the need for a Smartphone was there. Thanks to Robyn, I won a Droid Bionic. It arrived yesterday and we went to Verizon Wireless and set everything up. Now Violet and I are home.

Meet Violet

She’s being a bit temperamental, but it may just be my unrelated headache and Wi-Fi issues. There is definitely a big learning curve and I have a lot to figure out. Still, I know I am up for this and will love it in the long run. So don’t mind me if I double Tweet, send a strange message, or am missing for a bit. I am off with Violet while trying to feel a little more bionic in the Smartphone world.

It's Me

P.S. – If you have any tips, tricks, or other hints….I would love to hear them!

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