Website Work in Progress

Owning your own domain means that you have to host your website. This can be a drag at times, especially when things do not go smoothly. I have to admit that I am SO lucky to have TechyDad. If something goes wrong, my website it down, or anything needs work – he is a webmaster in real life.

Of course, just because he is a webmaster does not mean he can magically make things run perfectly. Often times, there are mazes that we must walk through that can complicate things.

 Hedge Maze Adventure

Unlike a hedge maze, you may not be able to find your way out of this complicated problem without making a switch and starting over. Yes, sometimes hosting does not quite work properly and it is time to pack up and move.

Thanks to on-going issues, down time, and the list goes on . . . we –er TechyDad is doing some work behind the scenes. We are currently moving all of our websites one by one to the new server at a more reliable hosting company. We had hoped to avoid this, but what can you do? In the end, we will come out of this smiling.

End of the maze

We look at this as a time to reflect on what we need in our hosting company, ability to support a local business, and opportunity to clean up several other websites that we have. It was not what we wanted, but we will be better thanks to this.

Please note that comments are currently turned off on all blog posts until the move is 100% complete. Thank you for your support during this transition.

It's Me

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