Tuesday Tales – Finding Time to Read

Tuesday Tales

When I was teaching, I was always reading books. Time was spent keeping up on school related items, reading trade books that my students were interested in, and of course reading books for lesson planning. During that period of my life, I rarely had time to read books for pleasure. Yes, I enjoyed the books I was reading – but let’s be honest it was not my first choice.

 Some of my books

From the moment my kids were born, books were a huge part of their lives. We have a rather large collection of books. There are books in the book case upstairs, books overflowing in the small book case in the boys room, books all over the living room, and a pile of books next to my bed. Yes, there is rarely a place you go in our house without seeing reading material of some kind.

NHL is now able to read books on his own. This summer was huge for him since he has learned to like tackling chapter books with independent reading. Of course, I can not read all of the books that he is, but try to catch up on some of them to be able to chat with him and ask questions. My dream is to begin a family read aloud of the Harry Potter series since NHL is getting into them. Although NHL loves to read, time becomes an issue. As school begins, time will be crunched even more. I believe once homework is accomplished, reading will be needed to earn time for gaming. I think I will be working on a chart to keep track of this since it will make more sense to him.

JSL adores sitting and “reading” books on his own. He loves to pull out a pile of picture books from our library and sit on the couch to have someone read to him. NHL, TechyDad, and I all read to him and he adores this special time with each of us. At 4, he really wants to learn to read and we are going to work on pre-reading skills at home in the weeks and months ahead.

Read to Me Big Brother

Thanks to reading with the kids so much, I still am balancing the art of reading books for me. During the day, it is hard with work that has to get done. At night, I find that if I settle into bed to read – sleep seems to catch me.

So fess up, how do you find time to read things that you enjoy?

Of course, since this is Tuesday Tales, I must ask the usual question. What have you read recently? Please be sure to link up to your Book Posts, and/or leave a comment below. Include something you read on your own, with a child or someone else. Tuesday Tales are all about spreading the love for books.

It's Me

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  • Susan says:

    Whenever I catch a minute I read. I will admit sometimes…. okay almost always, reading takes precedent over household chores. It is an addiction.
    Meg is reading a Disney Princess book, with me on my Kindle. :)
    And I am reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
    Susan´s last blog post ..Pet Peeves and Hates and The Great Fall of Ketchup

  • I have a tough time, but I try to grab some time reading before I go to bed at night, but does take me a while to get through a book.

    I’m reading The Help.

    Have you read the other Kingdom Keepers books? I’m thinking about getting them and the other series with Dave Barry too.
    Erica @ Finding the Best Me´s last blog post ..Tiggerific Tuesday Blog Bounce

  • Michelle Purvis says:

    I have a monstrously long commute to work so I take advantage of audio books from the public library. I just finished Wally Lamb’s The Hour I First Believed…it was not good which was shocking since I loved his two previous books. I started Dean Koontz’s Odd Hours this morning and so far it’s pretty good. At home I am reading Penn Jillette’s new book, G-d No! Very funny, great anecdotal read and I’m learning a lot about atheism too.