Tough Decisions Ahead

One of the tricky parts of blogging about life is deciding what to openly share and what to keep behind the scenes. It isn’t that I am keeping secrets. Most of the time, I am protecting my family. There are just certain aspects of life that are only for family members to know, not the entire blogosphere.

Keeping things to myself can be tough. Blogging really is therapeutic at times. Being able to vent and seek advice on items from others is huge. Social media in all forms is a part of who I am and will be in the future. Still, I sit here with a monster of a decision that TechyDad and I have to make. I want to vent, scream, shout, and ask for a shoulder to cry on, but I can’t. I must try to smile, hold on tight, and try to see the light at the end of the very blurry tunnel.

Just holding on - in a blurr

So please excuse me for a little while if I seem a little preoccupied. I need to keep my lips sealed, remember the amazing time last week, and keep my mind occupied with other items until we make our final decision.


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