The Fine Art of Selecting New Glasses

Early in December, we realized that we still had a lot of Flex Spending money left for 2010. We had put in extra hoping that it would be there at the end of the year for TechyDad and me to get new glasses.

Our wish came true, or was it a nightmare? Last time I had an eye exam, I opted to keep my glasses because I could not find anything else that I liked. Well, that isn’t entirely true. There were plenty of options out there, but I could not get them. I am allergic to one of the items in most metal frames. It makes my skin turn green and I have a bad reaction. Not good at all. Thanks to this, if I get metal frames, I have to get titanium glasses. Titanium frames are a lot more expensive. As I started to shop, I soon realized that most places did not stock titanium options because of this cost issue.

On my birthday, I happened to be in JC Penney with my mother and JSL. I stopped and looked at the frames in their optical department. No titanium, but the woman was able to point me to some smaller plastic frames. I started wearing glasses in ninth grade and had never bought plastic before. I was a little hesitant, but found a pair that I really liked. Before I knew it, I had selected a pair of glasses and new prescription sunglasses! Of course, I had to take a photo that day and explained that it was for blogging purposes.

Time for new glasses

A week or so later, TechyDad went for an eye exam and picked out some new glasses to use up the rest of our 2010 money. We are both getting used to them and I am having fun with my sassy new shades.

So my question to you this week:

Do you wear contacts or glasses? Do you like to pick out new glasses or do you find it daunting?



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the linky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An<br<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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Island<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Aloha #136

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  • Sues2u2 says:

    We bought new glasses for Hubby & the Princess w/ our leftover flex money too!

    I started to wear glasses in the 3rd grade & contacts in the 9th grade. I much preferred contacts because my prescription was so strong. 6 yrs ago Hubby surprised me & I got Lasik done. Best. Decision. Ever.
    Sues2u2´s last blog post ..So- don’t laugh…

  • No eye problems ….I’m grateful as I don’t know how I could put in contacts. I’d probably have to wear glasses all the time :-)
    Debra @ A FRugal Friend´s last blog post ..HURRY Redbook Magazine – 1 Year for 300

  • Smellyann says:

    I wear both. I like picking out new glasses. Soon as we get our tax refund, all five of us will be getting new specs! :)
    Smellyann´s last blog post ..Aloha Friday

  • Cathi says:

    I wear glasses. I was given two pair of contacts but could never master putting them in. (Debra!!)
    I have a new RX but it’s now almost two months old because…I loathe shopping and that includes shopping for new glasses. hehe
    Cathi´s last blog post ..Aloha Friday – Cameras

  • I wear both – but lately have been wearing glasses more than contacts, because the air quality in PA isn’t so great, which dries my eyes out. :) I don’t like shopping for new glasses, though, it can be a pain to find something I like! Love your new specs! :)
    Stacy Uncorked´s last blog post ..Super Bowl – Aloha Friday Follow Fun

  • I wear mostly glasses, but I do have contacts too. Shopping for new glasses is not one of my favorite things to do. Probably because 5 of the 6 of us wear glasses so it seems like we are always buying a new pair for one of us.
    Jen @ 400 Calorie Dinners´s last blog post ..Aloha Friday – January 28- 2011

  • Denise says:

    I wear glasses and I love picking them out – love.
    Denise´s last blog post ..Meme Friday 19

  • Ellen-TCMom says:

    I wear both but prefer my contacts when I had to wear glasses for 2 years I looked forward to a new pair to change up my look.

  • I wear glasses, since 4th grade and used to only wear wire, but I’ve noticed plastic glasses have become extremely trendy lately and I have to admit, with the newer, prettier options available, I like them a lot. It is HARD to choose new frames though given that I can’t honestly see myself clearly when I try on a pair, I try to always bring a friend (or my husband) when shopping for a new pair.
    Jen E @ mommablogsalot´s last blog post ..Aloha- Get Me Outta Here

  • Becca says:

    I mostly wear contacts. I always have a pair of current glasses around just in case. I prefer plastic frames! I found one style that I feel looks good on me, and now I keep getting that style in different colors LOL
    Becca´s last blog post ..Aloha Friday 30 – Dinner

  • Pam says:

    I do wear glasses, and I am dying for a new pair.

  • Sassy shades indeed. I’m glad you found one you love.

    I wear glasses. My MIL once paid for contacts for me but they expired. It was hard to see with them and weird to put them in my eyes. Plus I have only one eye, so I didnt want to keep putting things in it.

    I had awful glasses before. I’m so glad I got to pick out some different ones last year.
    I’m getting used to them but wished they were smaller.
    My shades I have to use to fit over my prescription glasses so they are kinda over-sized. Not liking them, but they protect my eyes.


  • Nope, had lasik done about 13 years ago. I did have the daunting task of picking out glasses. I didn’t care for it.
    @PamelaMKramer – A Renaissance Woman´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday – Graham Crackers

  • Cathi says:

    I forgot to tell you…LOVE your new glasses! So does NY!!
    Cathi´s last blog post ..Aloha Friday – Cameras

  • Those are nice looking glasses, including the sunglasses.
    I don’t wear contacts or eyeglasses, but I love wearing sunglasses. I prefer the really big dark ones with plastic dark frames that usually cover half my face! LOL

  • Melissa says:

    Neither… although it might be coming : )
    Melissa´s last blog post ..Aloha Friday

  • Coreen Trost says:

    I find it daunting to say the least. I was determined to get new glasses last summer (my old frames were very, very old). It took me what seemed forever I’m betting to the person helping me! Finally found a pair I felt were small enough for my taste and in a hip new color I thought. Then when I went to order them and pay, the sales person made fun of the frames… giving me second, third, forth thoughts…. not good. He must have seen the look of horror on my face and quickly tried to recover his comment. I brought them anyway and like them. Although 2 male bosses made comment too! Men?! LOL

    I really like Your choices! They both look very nice on you!!!
    GREAT question you posed! :-) Have a great weekend!!

  • Noelle says:

    i love the glasses…
    i wear glasses as well…
    (contacts if i am going out somewhere… or if i am going to be in the car for a bit … so I can wear sunglasses)
    i also had the problem of my skin turning green, so i have one pair… that i HATE… love yours though…

  • Tammy says:

    I have contacts and glasses. I like wearing my glasses just because it adds something like an accessory. I have been not wearing both because I think my eyes are getting better.

    I have to say, I think you look 10 years younger with your new glasses!! And I love the sunglasses! You look good in them!
    Tammy´s last blog post ..SmileyCookiecom You Have To See These Cookies! Adorable!

  • I wear glasses. I’ve tried contacts but MAN do I hate those things. lol I’m actually supposed to be going to the eye doctor next month and will be getting new frames at that time. I’d SO love to get some sunglasses too, though.
    Amy @ Coffee with the Mrs.´s last blog post ..Aloha Friday Jan 28th

  • Love your new glasses. Good choices.

    We had the same issue with our Flex Spending account in December. My husband wears glasses, but I haven’t seen an eye doctor in more than 10 years. At that time my eyes were really good. But in the last 6 months or so I was noticing issues when I’m reading or doing work up close. So we used our extra money to schedule and appointment for me. (My husband goes every other year, so this was his off year.) Well, I ended up needing glasses for reading mostly. So I got two pair (with a sale they were running) with everything I wanted/needed and used most of the Flex money. :D

    I really need to get a good picture of myself with my glasses on to post on my blog.
    Sarah – PS Mom Reviews´s last blog post ..JustPaperRosescom Review 50 Gift Certificate Giveaway – Ends 2-14