KidsFunPlaza – January 16, 2011

This week I was busy with a sick three year old, shoveling snow, and dealing with a heater that didn’t want to work. I was also writing posts for the KidsFunPlaza Blog. Recent events in Arizona, really got me thinking about how my life has changed when watching the news. Notes home from JSL’s nursery school about registration for next year got me thinking about toddlers and school.

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Please take a moment to stop by the KidsFunPlaza Blog and leave your thoughts.

My posts from this week on KidsFunPlaza:

Recent posts from my KidsFunPlaza colleagues are:

The February KidsFunPlaza magazine will be coming out next week to all of the Northeaster NY Price Chopper locations. Also be sure to check out the KidsFunKitchen which has great menu and recipe ideas.

See you at KidsFunPlaza!


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