My Keurig cure

Eeyore saves the dayJust before I met TechyDad, I gave up caffeine over the summer. As a college student, I had become overly dependent on Mt. Dew for breakfast and any other time of day. This constant influx of caffeine (and likely sugar) had caused my body to crave it and resulted in massive headaches. The week I stopped drinking caffeinated beverages was VERY difficult.

Once the caffeine was out of my system, my headaches stopped for many years. Over the last year or so, I noticed the headache pattern was returning. Mr. Migraine was back in full force! One of my doctors suggested some migraine medication, but I was not a fan. A prescription that I tried years ago literally made it so TechyDad was not sure if I was alive. It scared both of us. The doctor then suggested trying something like Excedrin Migraine. I was hesitant because of the caffeine content, but became a believer because it worked!

Ready to drinkSoon after that, I tried some coffee at my parent’s house. They had a nifty new Keurig machine and it intrigued me. I noticed that on days where I had a cup of coffee there, the headaches stayed away. Hmmmm….   Although I was not a fan of the caffeine, the small amount keeping away the larger pain seemed well worth the trade off.

There were days when I would run over to my parents house to visit their machine because I could feel the headache coming on. Most of the time, if I caught it quick enough, the coffee would work. TechyDad does not like coffee. We have a coffee machine that we have never opened. I secretly wished for my own Keurig machine, but could not see spending the money on something that would mainly be for me. Each time I heard about Keurig giveaways on blogs, I would enter.

Most of the time there would be hundreds of entries and I never once thought too much about it. Then last weekend I was looking in my spam e-mails. There was a message from Jennifer of The Dirty t Shirt. After reading the note, I ran to tell TechyDad. Yes, I won Jennifer’s Millstone Coffee and Folgers Gourmet Selections K-Cups and Keurig Single-Cup Brewer! Much to my surprise, a rather large box was waiting for me when I arrived home on Friday. Inside was the following:

My prize package

My parents joke that they will never see me again now that I have my own Keurig. I laugh at them and blame them for making me like the machine so much. I will say, I really enjoyed waking up and having a cup of coffee at home whenever I wanted it. Certainly made for a nice Sunday afternoon.

So, on this Monday morning I ask you, are you a coffee drinker? If you have a Keurig machine, I would love to know tips on places to purchase K-Cups.


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  • Jen says:

    I am in LOVE with my Keurig. I mostly drink the Gloria Jean’s Hazelnut. I can buy a 50 county on Amazaon for $27 (used to be $21). Because I am an Amazon Prime member I get 2 day free shipping.

    As for caffeine and headaches. Jeff gets the occasional migraine, the dr always said, take excedrin migraine and drink a mountain dew. It usually works.
    Jen´s last blog post ..Pay It Forward

  • Both my husband and I rely on a strong cup of French Press Sumatra to start my day, except for when he operates. Then, he avoids making coffee because he doesn’t want to be tempted as he can’t afford tremors during microsurgery. On those days, I sure wish I had the ease of a Keurig machine for my morning Java!
    The Journey Mom´s last blog post ..Mommy and Me Moments on the Kids Fun Plaza Blog

  • Katie says:

    I have heard that a little caffeine, the amount in one drink, really does help make headache’s feel better. I think it has something to do with it’s affect on the blood vessels. Is that one of those coffee makers that makes it by the cup? That would seem to be a good way for portion control and to make sure you don’t end up back at Mt. Dew level of addiction:)
    Katie´s last blog post ..Easy Childrens Fleece Gift Set

  • […] me going in the morning, soothe me after a rough day, gave me a caffeine boost, and allowed me to control my headaches. Here is my beloved machine and some of my K-Cup […]

  • Good story! I’m now craving a cup of coffee but it’s one in the morning so probably I should just go to bed and dream of it…
    The Animated Woman´s last blog post ..Falling for Ello.