Oh no, here comes the snow!

Living in New York state, the autumn weather can be rather unpredictable at best. Some days, you can wear a sweatshirt outside, while other days you need a winter coat along with hats and gloves. This morning, they mentioned that a winter storm over the Atlantic was backing westward into our area. They said nothing would really happen here aside from a few flurries. May I show you what it looks like outside my house right now:

Life in the north

Yes, that is snow sticking to the ground. In addition to that, ice pellets came down for a while and have left a nice slick layer. Ah, life in northwestern New York. So today I plan on staying inside, getting laundry done, and taking care of the boys who are both home. While they play nicely, I will also do a little stress knitting.

Getting ready for the cold

This is my current project., a scarf for ME (imagine that) to keep myself warm in the cold months ahead.

How are you all doing today?

Update: Two to three hours later it looks like this outside of my house:

Snow update


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