Denial of the 3 year old kind

In less than two week, I will once again be the mother of a three year old. My baby is going to be three and it is hitting me hard. When I turned thirty, there was too much going on in my life. A pregnancy scare distracted me from the realization of the milestone. Now, as my youngest turns three and our household is getting ready to leave being two year olds for good, I find myself sad.

Sure, for three years we have known that our family was complete, but I guess it never really hit until recently. It has just hit hard as we weed through baby clothing/toys and things to give away. In addition to this, JSL is signed up for nursery school next year. We took the plunge since both TechyDad and I believe it is important for his developmental and social growth. As much as I have looked forward to some time alone where I can go to NHL’s school and volunteer without my toddler, I am going to miss my little adventure buddy. I think it really is true, you do not appreciate what you have until it is gone or almost over. I have told myself to stop, enjoy and cherish these moments, but have I? I am not too sure about that really.

Covered in dirt after the playground

So excuse me for a little while. My two year old is grabbing my arm to head outside into the beautiful spring day that awaits us. I must make the most of these last few days with my two year old before he continues to three and many more milestones ahead of him.

First, I will wipe my eyes, give him a big hug and be so very thankful that I have had these almost three wonderful years at home being his Mommy. 


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  • RobMonroe says:

    They have to grow up, we don’t have to like it! Abby will be three in a month and I’m merely pretending that it does not bother me. Sometimes that what it takes, though.
    .-= RobMonroe´s last blog ..Daddy Daughter Date =-.

  • Lori says:

    Sheesh Beth you needed a warning label on that one for those of us out there with major pregnancy hormones. I am crying as I type. I have been having the same trouble with Taylor not only turning three, but of course no longer being my only baby. We have him signed up for nursery school as well and as nice as it will be to just have an infant, and I am sure he is going to adore school, I am selfish and want to keep my baby all to myself. As much as I want to go into labor, I am grasping at every last second Taylor is my only!
    .-= Lori´s last blog ..taylor and best bud =-.