The wishful spring thinking list

Spring has sprung and my mind has been wandering lately about things that I would like. Not sure why this seems to happen now, instead of in December when I am being quizzed about birthday and Chanukah presents. I guess it just means that I see more items between December and the spring that make my mind race. 

Spring Time Thinking

Here is a list of a few more realistic items that I would like. I say realistic because I will not put the Disney Alaskan Cruise on this list. Nor will I add in being a member of Disney Vacation Club (DVC). This girl will continue to dream about those for now. Another wish that will remain empty is a treadmill. I know I would use it, that is not the question. My issue is where to put it in our small house, Please add bigger house in another school district to my larger wish list. A treadmill or elliptical machine would fit in the upstairs room, but we really want to start utilizing that space for a play room/work area now that the boys are older.

So here is my list:

  • Swing set – Would love to have something in our yard for the boys to use. Sure, there are a lot of parks close by, but having something at home would be amazing. Before this could happen a tree or two (with berries) would need to be removed from our yard.
  • New Laptop – My laptop is on borrowed time. It is almost 5 years old and the letters are worn off (stickers have not helped either). Plus, the fan makes a horrid noise from time to time.
  • iPod Touch – I think it would be a great tool to have when out and about since we do not have iPhones or Blackberry phones. Of course, I would love a Blackberry, but the added $30 a month per phone is a bit much at this point.
  • Bike – When growing up, I loved to ride my bike. My bike is still at my parent’s house, but I do not think I would like it now. It was the 90’s style with ram horn handles and I am not into that these days. It may be great for TechyDad and I to get bikes for our anniversary to get out and exercise more as a family.
  • Season Passes for Six Flags – We had them last year and used them 3-4 times which paid for the expense. The boys love going to Wiggles World and it truly is fun for the entire family.
  •  Membership to Weight Watchers – Pure lazy behavior here. I need to get back on track. I have had success with the online plan, but it is a little more than we can afford right now thanks to home repairs that are needed and saving for nursery school in the fall.

So my Aloha Friday question for you today:

What is on your practical wish list and why?  Do you have any suggestions on bikes for TechyDad and I to get? We do not want to spend a fortune, but do want something that will last and give us enjoyment.

Please be sure to check out my National Geographic Little Kids and  Human Nature – Reach Out. Stay tuned because more will be coming next week.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #95

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  • Simply Cathi says:

    The best bike I ever had was a Schwinn! I am by no means a bike expert though. ;)
    .-= Simply Cathi´s last blog ..The Ultimate Blog Party – Giveaway =-.

  • Owen's Mom says:

    This is so boring, but a new vacuum cleaner. Ours doesn’t suck as much as spread the wealth of dirt around. So, a vacuum and a dog would be nice. Can I get those as a packaged set?
    .-= Owen’s Mom´s last blog ..Swing Into Spring! =-.

  • Roxanne D. says:

    Mine is quite boring, too, but I really want a new steamer. My son is just starting to eat baby foods and I want to make his foods. Our steamer is broken so, I really need a new one.
    I think an awesome bike is by the brand Giant. They are great bikes. A little expensive, but well worth it. I had one in college and would bike to classes, but then someone else apparently thought it was a great bike, too, because they broke my chain during class and stole it. grrr! I miss that bike and the $250 I spent on it. lol!
    .-= Roxanne D.´s last blog ..Aloha Friday =-.

  • Well a house and a back yard woulld be nice,lol. Okay now something I can get sooner would be all new clothes for the Cruise I am going on in July & another car.
    .-= The Social Frog´s last blog ..Aloha Friday =-.

  • I subscribe to what social frog wants.. if Santa or House Fairy(yes, there is such thing) drops by with a house and a backyard for her, then please SF, push her my way cause i would so welcome her with cookies and… a funky chicken dance maybe?!?:)
    But more realistic tough, i need a new living room carpet and light fixtures for both living room and bedroom.. also a blackberry and a new laptop would be great thank you:)
    .-= Niky @ Design It Chic´s last blog ..Aloha – "have a bar, have a kitkat" =-.

  • RobMonroe says:

    That’s a great list – very nice. We ended up scrapping plans for a treadmill and got an exercise bike. Hoping it will translate into REAL bikes when we cross the Mississippi River. (not bikes TO cross the river, that would be a bad idea!)
    .-= RobMonroe´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Tightrope Walker =-.

  • Auntie E says:

    Let’s see. I have a list, Most of the things are in motions.
    1. Get my sewing room moved to a larger room
    2. have the walls Mural painted in that room.
    3. plant an English flower garden.
    4. Get a new deck for the pool area
    5. Plan that vacation to Canada for the summer.

    You can help with the latter, I’m having a giveaway for a great vacation name this year. drop by and put your two cents in.
    .-= Auntie E´s last blog ..Friday follows & Aloha fridays- Question times =-.

  • Kari says:

    We really have to get a new camera (I’m looking for recommendations for a good one $200 or less) and we also need some new patio furniture.

    Sorry, I don’t know anything about bikes. I’m the girl who wrecked or got chased by dogs every time I got on a bike as a child, LOL!
    .-= Kari´s last blog ..List of Giveaway Link-Ups =-.

  • My list would actually be very similar to yours! My laptop is on its last legs, too. :) But the biggest thing on my list is a new camera. I had almost saved up enough to buy the one I wanted, but then ended up spending my camera money on Princess Nagger for her birthday and Christmas. Now I’m having trouble saving back up again! ;)
    .-= Stacy (the Random Cool Chick)´s last blog ..Aloha Happy Hour Friday Follow =-.

  • Bibi says:

    As someone mentioned I like Schwinn bikes I have one and so does Hormone Boy.

    Practical wish list: new couch, new patio furniture, new TV, new dresser and bed for Little Peanut (we are just finishing our new home that why all the furniture,lol) and new broom….I do need a broom
    .-= Bibi´s last blog ..Now, That’s Funny Thursday #2 =-.

  • The only thing I really want is to finish the front of my house (paint and finish landscaping).
    .-= Melanie @ Whimsical Creations´s last blog ..Aloha Friday #22 =-.

  • Lori says:

    My practical list is a new washer/dryer; picture frames for my wall; new sheets for my child’s bed, but my non-practical list is MUCH longer:)
    .-= Lori´s last blog ..Aloha Friday – Beach Book =-.

  • Natalie A. says:

    I’d like to paint my house a different color. If you saw it, you would see why! I’d also like to get new matching blinds. I’m sure my list could go on and on! I have no idea about bikes!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Have a great weekend!
    .-= Natalie A.´s last blog ..Noodles & Company Introduces Asparagus =-.

  • Harriet says:

    Oh sweetie- you deserve all of that fun stuff. I just need a new roof on my house.

    Have a great day!

  • noelle d says:

    i can not help you on the bike…
    but as for a wish list, i would Love to eventually get a new camera…
    .-= noelle d´s last blog ..aloha friday – disney =-.

  • Rach says:

    I can’t think of anything for my wish list, but that’s probably because i tend to buy stuff that i need anyway, I had a nice shiny pair of trainers delivered today, just in time for my weekly run tomorrow!
    .-= Rach´s last blog ..Aloha Friday #130 =-.

  • Vicki says:

    I really want a Shark floor cleaner and I need at least 3 new bookshelves. I’m going to IKEA tomorrow so hopefully I’ll find some bookshelves.

    My son and I both have Schwinn’s. They cost around $300 each and we love them!
    .-= Vicki´s last blog ..Aloha =-.

  • Florence says:

    Isn’t it amazing? You wanted a new laptop and you just won one. Congratulations!

  • Smellyann says:

    My wishlist includes a membership to a great, nearby gym, and a Hoover FloorMate. I just need to save up those Swagbucks and cash in for one for the latter!LOL ;) Have a great week :)
    .-= Smellyann´s last blog ..Donations For CARE Package =-.

  • Linda says:

    this is such a good idea!! maybe i need to do mine!! Congratulations!!
    .-= Linda´s last blog ..RARE – my poem =-.