Fever be gone

Last weekend, JSL was not feeling well. We chalked it up to one thing, but perhaps we were wrong. Monday, he was up all night screaming and yelling that his hair hurt. Tuesday morning, he had a fever and we went to the doctor to have his ear checked. After removing a giant wax plug, the doctor was able to see that there was no infection behind it. We were left to head home not knowing what was causing the fever.

As the mother of a two year old child who has had four febrile seizures, the most recent in October, I am beyond nervous. Today (typing this Thursday evening), we have not been able to get JSL’s temperature down below 100 with Motrin (every 6 hours) and Tylenol (every 4 hours) around the clock. This evening, we were really worried when his temperature soared to 101.5 with both medications in his system. Right now, we are unsure if we will be heading to the ER soon. I am typing as I sit here next to my poor little puppy. Here is a photo of the little guy protecting his ears and armpit from temperature taking tactics while he sleeps.

No more temperature taking

No matter what, I will be calling the doctor tomorrow and insisting on more answers. So my question to you this week:

What helps you the most when you have a fever and do not feel good? Looking for any suggestions to help my poor little guy.



Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the MckLinky there if you are participating.

Aloha Friday by Kailani at An Island Life

Aloha #89


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