Disney Every Day and dreaming with songs

In my dream world, I would live near Disney World. The reality is that we are a 3 hour airplane ride from Mickey Mouse and friends. Luckily there are people that do live close to Disney World and share the magic and wonder with us daily. As I have mentioned before, I love the blog Disney Every Day by Amanda Tinney 

While I was at the Disney Social Media Moms celebration, I had the pleasure to meet up and chat with Amanda. She and her family were sitting at a table right next to ours the night that we ate at Epcot for a meal that was extra special (more coming on that soon). I told Amanda that I love her adventures into Disney World and looked forward to more projects with readers.

Last week Amanda asked for people to help do another Disney song in pictures. This will be her third project, and of course TechyDad and I jumped in again. This time Amanda selected the song "If I Didn’t Have You" from Monsters Inc. The song is quite a bit longer than the previous adventures on Disney Every Day, but people signed up to help Amanda out. Here is the line that I had this time (all photos from the most recent Disney trip):

Those dreams do come true

To see past Disney Song in Pictures please check out the following:

I know that we can not wait to see the finished project this time and are looking forward to hear what the next song will be. Thanks for the fun Amanda!



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