My angel forever – Cora’s Story in honor of congenital heart disease awareness week

I have an Angel Forever.

Her arrival was a surprise. Found out Easter Sunday 2009 that she was on her way.

Her departure from this Earth was even more of surprise.

My daughter, Cora, died instantly.

She felt no pain.

Only my love.

As she nursed one moment.

Gone the next.

She’s done more in her five short days than anyone I know.

She is saving lives.

Cora McCormick passed away from congenital heart disease, or CHD, on December 6, 2009. Her heart defect went undetected in utero and after she was born. Cora, unfortunately isn’t alone, an estimated 1 in 100 babies are born with CHD each year. And, CHD is said to be the number one cause of infant death.

This week marks Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Week (February 7 to 14). Why is awareness important?

I had never heard of CHD until the coroner called. I spent my entire pregnancy researching, reading, and making sure my baby was born at her healthiest. I still can’t believe her heart wasn’t tested more.

There is no cure for CHD. In fact, not all CHDs can be detected, but I learned a simple test might have saved Cora. Something called a pulse oximetry test can screen for many CHDs when conducted at between 24 to 48 hours of age on a newborn.

Now, other mothers know about pulse oximetry. Now, every mother and father reading this post will know about CHD.

Cora does save lives. She could use your help.

Sweet baby angel Cora

Kristine Brite McCormick writes about Cora (almost) daily on her blog If not on her blog, she can be found on Twitter, @kristinebrite or Cora’s Facebook Fan page, telling Cora’s Story. Follow Kristine for more information about congenital heart disease or to learn more about the acts of compassion and kindness Cora has inspired.


Note from Moi:  A big hug and thank you to Kristine Brite McCormick for this absolutely beautiful tribute to her sweet angel Cora. Kristine is a hero, although she will not admit it. When faced with a parent’s worst nightmare, Kristine decided to lead a crusade in honor of her angel Cora. Together they help and educate more people about the hidden dangers of CHD.

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