Being married to a webmaster has perks

For my one year Blogoversary, I celebrated with a new blog design. I was sick of my old header/theme, so TechyDad quickly made something up. This was only supposed to be a temporary fix. Fast forward almost two years later (my 3rd Blogoversary is in February). The old design was functional, clean, easy to read and I liked it. See below for a reference.

Out with the old look

Over the past few months, both of us were not thrilled with my blog. To be honest, I never really liked the hearts and had asked for those to be changed to something else (honey do list = never done). Hubby wanted to change the theme, but I had different thoughts. My thought was something crisp and more "professional" looking. I also really wanted a blog button. One day, hubby talked with a very talented friend who happens to do graphic design. He quickly did a sample of something for a header and sent it our way. I was in love. It was perfect!  Look at the top, it is there now.

Friday, I was surprised with the latest addition, a brand new button for my blog. Here it is:

TheAngelForever button

After I saw the button, I finally made a list of items I wanted changed and asked my favorite webmaster about them. He said all of them were not too difficult and doable. The best part was by  the end of the weekend it was set and live.

Of course, all of these items meant we TechyDad had to fix/tidy up areas of my blog.

  • Put an area on the right designated to website/networks/organizations that I am part of
  • Blogroll was moved from right side to separate page because it was too overwhelming
  • Categories is now an area you can click on to open up. This takes up much less space
  • Flickr photo feed moved up top and different style
  • Heading for "Buttons from Blogosphere" added
  • Last 10 posts on left is gone. No need with archives/search/categories
  • New area on the right for "Special Event Bloggy Buttons" to keep easier track of seasonal/timed events
  • My shiny new blog button has a code box to make it easy for people to place on their websites
  • Added a contact page/form for people to get in touch with me easier

At this point, I am keeping the theme because it is easy to view and I have not found anything else for WordPress that I like enough to alter it now.

To continue with the changes, I also updated my Twitter avatar. I made it festive for Chanukah since that begins this coming Friday at sundown. Check me out:

TheAngelForever Chanukah style

Welcome to my renovated home on the web (launched Saturday night for those in a reader). Pull up a chair, read about my world, enter a giveaway or two and please take time to drop me a line in the comments. I love seeing my in-box fill up with comment love from everyone. 


P.S. An extra special thank you to my hubby. TechyDad you are the best – I love you with all of my heart. Kuddos for a fun new web design for my blog.

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