The stuffed animals are alive and counting

We had a lazy Saturday morning. Nobody wanted to move or do much of anything. While I was getting dressed, the boys were playing in their room. Suddenly, TechyDad yelled to me to come quickly. I knew that meant I was supposed to bring my camera. Here is what I found and what happened:

Of course, the first thing I said after the video was that I was upset JSL had his binky. He is only allowed to have it when he is going to sleep. It was practically gone when he got sick and it came back. He must have been sneaky and gotten it without TechyDad noticing before he was under the stuffed toys. So we will continue to work on pulling his plug along with using the potty – fun times!

Oh well, it was still a nice moment. I cherish the times when the boys play nicely together and are not yelling, head-butting or doing other typical sibling things to each other.


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  • Susan says:

    That baby sticking out on top looked scary real… :)
    .-= Susan´s last blog ..Working =-.

  • RobMonroe says:

    Fun video!

    We had the same issue when we got rid of Abbys – except that she could not get it on her own. We were ( ) this close, and then she got sick and we gave it back for bed and nap time. About two months after it was gone again, completely, we found one in her bed! Now, we wash her sheets weekly, so she must have just found it on the floor and put it there, but we were both a little curious about how long she COULD have been sneaking it without us knowing!
    .-= RobMonroe´s last blog ..Halloween 2009 =-.

  • Katie says:

    I also thought that the baby doll was real but then thought – I know what your kids look like! That is such a cute video. My kids love hiding in the animal bin, then they jump out and scare the bonkers out of me!
    .-= Katie´s last blog ..My Life In Pictures Session 3 / Day 2 Sound =-.

  • Betty N says:

    I love how your older son included the younger when hiding under the animals. What great fun they had…cherish the moments!